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This year i graduated from high school buh im with my friend India buh we goin to the studio to work with a another artist.

I took bout 30mins to get there .buh we walked in and guess who sittin there august alsina. and we was singin together and fun and all buh we was leavin and me in him was the last ones to walk out and i trip my clumy ass.

"U good ma?" he asked and held out his hand

"Yea im good" i said grabin him hands and he pulls me up we stand lookin in each others eyes and he leadin-

*alarm ⏰*

Damn it all was a dream i got up to get ready for school i took a quick shower and dryed up ill just let my hair be naturaly curly i wore and black crop top and white riped jeans and my all white LED boots

I walked down and made some breakfast india walked in and got some food too

"Damn u look tired as hell" india said laughin

"No kindin i went to bed late and woke up late"i said still eatin

We finshed are food was drove to school she had all are classes together so we went to our locker and got are books out i fuckin hate this school all the thots the players well the boys not really players buh the thots make them seem like it buh w got to class and india boyfriend Lucas came to us gave me a hug and her a kiss see me and Lucas are friends he is my only guy friend i only have two friends india and lucas.

End of day

We walked out of the school and went back to my house and i went out to the mall to get cloths and food buh india and lucas stay at my house wen i got back there was a fuckin pary at my house buh i was pissed with them buh find out why they did this its not the first time they did this they only did i once before and tht was last year so i walked in and turned off the music and everyone to get out i told india and lucas to get out to cuz all they gonna do is fuse with me for doin it. Buh its my house and i got to clean it by my self.

2:00 am

I finally finshed cleanin and was hells tired so i sleept on the couch

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