Chapter 3: Spying On Zane

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This story is going to be pretty long so let's get to the story!!!!

~~~You're POV~~~
Ruby and I were out shopping at the mall and saw Zane with a girl?!? "Who is that girl with Zane?" Ruby asked me.

"I don't know," I said while taking out my phone and taking pictures of them. The girl has blonde hair, crystal blue eyes, and was wearing all black just like Zane. Ruby walked up to Zane and I stayed in our spot. Ruby talked to Zane and she walked back to me. "Did you find out her name?" I asked.

"Yeah her name is Jessica but she likes to be called Jess," Ruby said.

"Okay, dose she act like Zane?" I asked.

"She dose have the same personality except she is a little nicer," Ruby said.

"Okay, we'll need to send these picks to Aph to see if she knows her." I said. Me and Ruby left the mall and hoped in the car.

~~~Time Skip~~~

We finally arrived at Aphmau's house and Ruby knocked on the door. Kawaii~Chan answered the door and said, "Hi
Y/N~Chan and Ruby~Sama, may Kawaii~Chan help you?"

"Yes Kawaii~Chan, is Aphmau here?" I asked and Kawaii~Chan nodded.

"Hold on Kawaii~Chan will be right back. I'm going to go get Aphmau~Senpia," Kawaii~Chan said. She ran upstairs and came back down with Aphmau. "Kawaii~Chan will leave you guys alone. Kawaii~Chan is going to bake some cookies." Kawaii~Chan said and she left to the kitchen.

"Hey Y/N and Ruby whats up," Aphmau asked us. I pulled out my phone and went to the picture I took of Jess and Zane.

"Do you know this girl?" I asked showing her the picture.

"Yeah, that's Zane's friend. They known each other since they were kids. I talk to her sometimes but not that much. Zane talks about her a lot but I don't mind. Sometimes I think their dating but I'm not sure." Aphmau said.

"Zane told me that they were going to the park later today. I think we should spy on them." Ruby said.

"Yeah but we need a plan first. We should pretend we are going on a picnic there and find a spot that is close to them but not to close. Then we pretend that we left and then we hide in this huge tree. Then we can spy from there on." Aphmau said.

"That's a perfect plan," Me and Ruby said.

~~~Time Skip~~~

We arrived at the park and set our stuff down for the picnic. I saw Zane and Jess together and so did Aphmau and Ruby. We started eating our food and talked on how Zane and Jess will make a cute couple. I went to go get the drinks from the basket and saw Travis, Garroth, Dante, and Laurance. "Hey Babe~" Travis said and I lifted my head to see Travis over me.

"What do you want?" I asked to Travis.

"Can't a guy like me look at a beautiful girl like you," Travis said and I rolled my eyes.

"Travis leave the poor girl alone," Dante said.

"Fiiiinnnneeeee," Travis wined, "Hey Y/N can I ask you something in private."

"Sure but whatever you do don't do anything inappropriate," I said while starring him in a glare.

"Okay, okay I won't do anything inappropriate," he said while grabbing my hand and taking me on top of a hill.

~~~Travis POV~~~

I toke Y/N by the hand and toke her to the hill in the park. Once we got there I turned around to see the sun shining perfectly on her. "Why did bring me up here Travis?" Y/N asked me.

"W-Well I want to get to know you better," I said rubbing my neck. Ughhh why dose she have be so damn cute I said in mind.

"Okay, maybe we can hang out tomorrow but right now I'm busy." Y/N said I nodded my head.

"Okay well we should get heading back," I said and while we were both walking down the hill we saw Zane kiss that girl he is always with.

~~~Y/N POV~~~

"OMI!" I said and I started running to Aphmau, Ruby, Dante, Garroth, and Laurance. Travis was right behind me trying to keep up with me. Once I arrived I told everyone, "ZANE KISSED JESS!"

"OMI!" Ruby and Aphmau squealed.

Garroth ran to Zane and hugged him and said, "My baby brother kissed a girl!" We followed right behind him.

Zane face became red and so did Jess, "N-No it's not w-what it l-looks like!" Jess and Zane said at the same time.

"Then why are you guys holding hands?" Garroth said pointing at their hands. They looked down and started blushing and let go. Zane whispered something into her hears and she nodded.

"Okay, me and Jess are...." Zane said leveling us on a cliff hanger.

"You guys are what," Garroth said.

"W-We are dating," Zane said.

"How long have you guys been dating?," Garroth said while nudging Zane in the gut.

"Well, we started dating last week but we wanted to keep it a secret," Zane said while rubbing his neck.

"Me and Zane should get going we want alone time," Jess said.

"Okay, well we will see you later," I said. Zane and Jess walked away from us and we just walked back to where me, Aphmau, and Ruby where having our picnic. The guys left and Travis turned around and winked at me. I rolled my eyes to see Ruby and Aph satrring at me.

"What was that all about?" Ruby asked me, I felt my face turn red.

"Travis asked if we can hangout tomorrow so I said okay. He said he want to get to know me better," I said, I can still feel my face heat up.

"Okay," Aphmau said in a suspicious voice. I rolled my eyes and we just went back to eating our food. Maybe I like Travis but I don't know him that well so that will give me an opportunity I said in my mind.

Well that's the end of this chapter. Sorry if it took so long. I'll try to post one tomorrow. Well I'll see you later BAI! I love you guys❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Words: 1,065

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