Chapter 15 - Beat the Clock

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The chosen Alphas had taken action quickly when they had finally known the destination their children were being taken. We had little time to gather the resources and the warriors we needed before we headed to the airport, the Alphas had agreed to meet in an hour and no less. The pack was already waiting for Caleb and I when we and the warriors had gotten back into the territory, we wasted no time in telling them exactly what was going to happen, the only thing we feared was the impact of the outcome of the war that was upon us.

"I know your worries and I know your fears, I feel them and right now I'd be lying if I stood here and told you that each one of us would be coming back unscathed. What I do know for sure is that some of us won't make it back...some of you won't be the same, and any resentment or hatred that you harbor, I will welcome it until you're satisfied.

You're all my family, I love you and I'm proud to be an Alpha of Crimson Warriors, I'll do my best in protecting those who leave here with my mate and I to bring our son back. I'll fight until the very end with you all because that's what a warrior does...I'm giving you all a choice right now, we'll be taking two thousand of you, those who volunteer, say whatever you need to your families, those who don't want to go...that's fine, you won't be punished."

"Alpha...why are you giving us a choice?" I turned my head to the familiar voice of one of my top warriors, Deaton.

"Because everyone should be able to choose if this is the way you want to leave this earth."

My eyes caught the gentle giant I was so familiar with as he stepped forward, with determined eyes he stared at both Caleb and I. His right hand lifted as he fisted it, laying it on his chest; my breath caught as he went on bended knee "Alphas" he addressed us "my life is in your hands as well as my family's, we will do everything in our power to carry out your will, whatever that may be. Your goal is ours; we will stand by you through what's to come."

My jaw slackened as I was floored by Caius' actions and words. His wife and daughter, my little goddaughter Athena walked up to their father and they too placed their fists over their hearts and went down on their knee.

"We'll also follow you" my eyes darted to my two betas, Conner and Simone smiled brightly at us before mimicking Caius and his family. Soon, one by one, all of Crimson Warriors were knelt before their alphas; my parents and in-laws were the last to kneel, they had approached me and my husband and kissed our cheeks stating how proud they were before they knelt.

Tears built in my eyes as I looked upon my pack. Caleb took my hand and squeezed it earning my attention; his ears were as red as tomatoes as he had a boyish grin on his face. It both warmed and pained me as our pack gave us their absolute submission; they were willing to die for us, for Ethan.

"Thank you all" I whispered as Caleb and I bowed our heads to our pack, a bow from an Alpha meant that the pack had his or her undying love, respect protection and most importantly, loyalty. 

Later we had set out after the goodbyes; it had broken my heart to see women and children crying over their mates. The males who were stay at home dads or that worked from home while the women were the warriors in the house they had made them promise to fight with their all and try to make it back.

My mother and father refused to say anything; they just hugged me and watched as I left. I knew they weren't going to say goodbye, if anything it wasn't at all a goodbye but more of see you later. My in-laws had promised to help look after the pack with my parents while we were away the pack still needed to be run regardless of what was going on, my parents had fought me hard when I told them they couldn't join the war with us, my mother in particular almost ripped me a new one telling me I was not to deny her the right to fight for her grandchild but with much convincing I had gotten them to agree.

An hour later we'd all arrived at the private airport, since Blake had called in a favor from another a friend, it was cleared of humans and reserved only for us. There were multiple planes waiting for the fourteen thousand warriors that we eight Alphas had brought from their packs. Tyrone had brought the most, seeing as he had the largest pack there was. The remaining chosen Alphas would meet at the location with their warriors as agreed.

When everyone was settled we got down to the plan. Caleb explained the new type of training he had us do to fight against Felix's puppets, the other Alphas were more than intrigued to hear of this and soon all the warriors had been instructed what to do in the open mind link. We would stick to teams, two to three of our warriors to one of those abominations that Felix created. I had given the heads up to each wolf, the one that Gideon and his friends had captured would be nothing like what we were to face. If Felix had any sense which he did, I had a hunch that he'd upgrade his new soldiers.

"Can anyone hear me?"

My body stiffened as I heard my nieces' voice.

"Loud and clear baby girl, what's going on? Has something happened?" Tyrone fired questions at Talia.

"Daddy, when are you going to get here? You're taking too long, that mad man is targeting Luna Emery!"

"What?! What has he done to her princess?!" Lucas' frantic voice made me cringe.

"He's talking a lot of scary things...he's bringing in a surgeon to induce labor..." Talia's voice wavered slightly.

"What! She's only six months pregnant!" Lucas roared causing the young girl to whimper. "Where's Emery?"

"She's beside me, we're trying to keep her calm but she's scaring the younger children" Talia jetted out.

"Shit." Tyrone whispered; he was gripping the edge of his seat while keeping a close eye on Lucas in case he shifted.

"Talia, slap her" I ordered.

"What the fuck do you think you're saying Case?!" Lucas barked at me as he flew out of his seat.

"Judith, Ryan." I called, they immediately restrained the Alpha, his men were getting riled which only provoked my warriors, growls of warning resounded through the plane. Wolves were ready to attack to defend their Alphas if need be. "All of you quiet. Lucas you calm yourself and think rationally. Talia has she regained her composure?"

"Yes aunty, she's very frightened though."

"As expected, you need to stall Felix as long as possible, understand? We're already on our way we need you safe until then."

"What if he hurts us?" Talia gasped.

"I have no doubt he will princess, but he won't kill you, at least not yet...but if you all defend Emery then he'll have no choice but to hold off the early labor he plans to put her through. Get Erik and think up a plan with him and Emery, use any means necessary until we get there" I ordered.

"I understand aunty."

I had no doubt that if the children refused to let Felix lay a hand on Emery then he'd take drastic measures and end both mother and child's life when the time for the ritual came, we Alphas just had to get there before the worst case scenario took place.


DUN!DUN!DUN!DUN! What are your thoughts my lovelies? The bonds between Crimson Warriors is undeniably strong isn't it? Gave me the feels 😢 what do you guys think will happen in the next chap? Do you think they will make it in time to save everyone?

Thanks for reading!

Until next time

- xoxo T

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