We were walking again, through the forest until we came to a flowing clear stream. We kissed and he spoke of how he loved me. I shed a tear of joy as he explained to me plains of how he wanted to run away together. I could't say no.
" Will you marry me Carrinina, I know we are young but I love you"
"Yes Jamie, Yes I- Bzzzt Bzzzt Bzzt"
I woke up realizing this beautiful dream was, well, a dream, and I lethargically reached my hand over to the alarm clock, my head still buried in my comfortable plush pillow. My arm acted as a crane moving its way up and down, trying to find the snooze button. As soon as I did I hesitantly got up. I took a deep breath. Before I could even let out the taken in air, Tari ran i and jumped onto my bed. "OH. MY.God! EEK! What did I tell you! I was right" she said in a sing song narcissistic tone as she danced happily in place.
"Tar what are you even talking about?"
"You. Jamie. Perfect. Just. I can't even talk! YOu, of all people, finally got someone! Way to go!"
"I didn't 'find' anyone, I just met him yesterday okay"
"Yea but did you not see the chemistry between you guys, and I'm no dummy, I can tell you have some extra feelings. maybe every mutual" she replied
For once she was right. Shocker. But I could't show her she was right so I told her she was wrong. She knew my act. She said "Whatever" as she skipped out of my room twirling her hair. I sat down and thought to myself. I know I can't get into anything with ghost hunters. My dad would flip out. Him and ghost hunters are natural enemies. I don't know why, but all I know is that he wouldn't be okay with me interacting with them. I got ready, still as lazily as usual, no guy could change that. I got onto the bus, and there he was, headphones in, staring out the window into the forest. Immediately he spotted me and got this huge smile on his face. He moved over and I sat down by his side with his jacket on.
"You like it don't you?" Jamie said laughing
"Haha who couldn't love a White Chapel jacket" I said sarcastically
We laughed together as he looked at me with his bright blue eyes that I neglected to notice somehow. He grabbed my hand and I sat paralyzed. I looked down, then looked up. He grabbed my hand tighter. "Come home with me tonight Carrinina"
"Okay!" I replied quickly.
"Sweet" He said as he let go of my hand.
The bus came to a stop as he waited for me and we walked to class together. Mr.Deguerro looked up and smirked as we walked in talking as we shared headphones. We sat down next to each other and my mind wandered off. I felt butterflies and I knew something would happen later… I seem to do things I shouldn't. I'd have to tell my dad I was sleeping over at my friend's house or something, because there is absolutely no way I could come out and tell him I was sleeping over at a guy's house. Especially the Lemonte's house. I literally waited all day to go home with Jamie and have some personal time. As the bell rang I was shocked with a mixture of naseua, anxiety, excitement, and most of all, nervousness. I sat on the bus deep breathing until I opened my eyes to find him trudging onto the bus. One flip of his hair, I was utterly captivated in his charming aroma. He walked back to me and sat down. He explained to me how to address his family, his ideas of what our night routine would be, and more. The bus stopped at his humungous house in the woods as we got up together. Everyone was staring as we got off together awkwardly.