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This is just vent for the time I was pissed.
April 21
  It has been awhile since I felt sad and lonely. I though I was going
to be able to steer clear of all the negative thing. Sadly, no. I was
abandoned again. I am purely frustrated and full of bubbling emotions. I just wanna rip the head off of their body.

  I sat alone during second period. I hear them talking. I asked to
move, but the staff wouldn't let me. Nicole (changing up names just
for privacy) whispered to someone sitting next to me. "They look like
they are gonna kiss." I shudder. "Ew," said G. ,"they look like a tall
popsicle stick and a soggy muffin." I look up for a second, "soggy

  "Yea, you know.... Like one that has half cooked batter." I gave a
quick 'tsk tsk' and went back to reading. I was having a bad enough
day already. I lost my flash drive which had important homework.
'Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuccccccccccccckkkkkkkk' I thought, I sighed and started tearing up paper.

  I didn't want to talk to anyone. When someone approached me I would brush them off in one of two ways:
1. Force a smile and say "get the fuck away from me."
2. "I will snap your neck and chop you up into tiny pieces, cook you in an oven, feed you to animals, kill the animals and burn them into ashes. Then I will use your ashes to make a light gray background on my art project."
Honestly, I can't deal with it. I'm done, I already threw my phone five times, threatened seven kids, ripped up two assignments and messed up someone's work.
  I love how this day keeps getting worse.
Kill me now

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