Chapter Twenty Three: Feels special.

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The walk to the back of the field was a little on the awkward side. Kageyama didn't know what to do or say. Did Hinata want to just sit and eat lunch or did he plan to do what most couples come here to do?

Kageyama smiles a little. Other couples. Because they're a couple. It makes him feel all giddy every single time he thinks of them as a pair.

Hinata sits down first, settling into the soft grass and pulling his lunch out of his bag. Kageyama sits beside him but makes sure he isn't too close. He's still not sure how Hinata feels about public displays of affection.

Kageyama takes out his own lunch and they eat silently. Both throw glances at the other boy but always manage to miss whenever the other teen is looking at them.

Their food doesn't last long, it never does.

Almost instantly after setting down their food containers their eyes seem to meet. Kageyama panics, not knowing whether to look away or continue to look at Hinata. So he awkwardly stares. Hinata blushes but doesn't look away. 

Kageyama isn't sure why movies and anime make out the transition from friends to boyfriends / girlfriend and so on is so easy. They may be together but they're still new to knowing the other person has feelings for them. It's not easy to jump into a relationship. Well, maybe it is for some.

Now more than ever Kageyama is aware that their relationship is going to move a little slow but he's got no qualms about that. He'd rather go slow and have them both be comfortable than speed things up and risk messing it up.

Kageyama knows how he feels about Hinata and he wants this to work.

He slides over to sit closer to Hinata. The blush covering Hinata's cheeks darkens but his eyes stay fixed on Kageyama.

"I'm going to kiss you... I-If that's okay?" Kageyama murmurs.

Some of his awkwardness melts away when Hinata gives him a wide smile and nods. Hinata's smile could make anyone feels welcome and wanted. It's always so bright and honest.

Kageyama gives him a small smile back. It was a long time ago that Hinata told him that he looked creepy when smiling so he had, not that he'll admit it, practiced smiling in the mirror. Then, at his grandmother's, Hinata said he should smile more so he'll have to keep that in mind. If Hinata likes his smile, he'll do his best to smile more often. The non creepy way. 

Kageyama pushes aside those thoughts, focusing on Hinata again. They both lean in at the same time and Kageyama's eyes slide closed when their lips meet.

It's a bit clumsy despite the fact they've kissed before. Both of them are nervous. Kageyama is pretty sure his hands have a slight tremor to them as they settle on Hinata's waist to pull him closer.

Hinata shivers and Kageyama is sure it's a positive shiver. It isn't cold so the shiver has to do with the kiss.

Kageyama gently parts his lips, wanting to do more than simply move his lips against Hinata's. Even though that in itself is absolutely lovely.

Hinata's lips are much softer than in the cave. It was cold then so his lips had been slightly chapped. Not that Kageyama was complaining but now... Now Hinata's lips are completely soft and feel better than ever.

Kageyama can't stop himself from letting out a small, pleased hum as Hinata parts his lips. Hinata's arms settle around his neck, his elbows resting on Kageyama’s shoulders. The weight of Hinata's arms is supriringly comfortable and Kageyama pulls Hinata closer. The shorter boy is almost in his lap now.

Kageyama takes his time kissing Hinata, memorising all the he can like this is the last time he'll ever kiss Hinata. Which is far from true. It's just one of the first of many, many kisses.

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