Chapter Twenty Four: Dinner.

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A/N: I apologise for the wait. I hope this is worth it. Also Oh My God GUYS, 147K reads?!?! Thank you so much!

Also please let me know if you want smut in this storyI'm on the fence about it. If there's no smut there will be one more chapter after this. With smut they'd be two more chapters.


Kageyama had never been quite this nervous. Well, maybe before some of their matches but it's a different kind of nervous. That's nervous-excited. This is just... nervous.

It's irrational. A part of him knows that. His parents already like Hinata and are already, on some level, aware that he and Hinata are not just friends. He has nothing to fear. His mother is on the verge of planning their wedding so why is Kageyama so nervous about his parents having dinner with Hinata?

Kageyama wants to tear his own hair out for being such a nervous wreck over a simple meal with his parents and boyfriend.

Despite his nerves Kageyama still smiles when he thinks that word. Boyfriend. Hinata is his boyfriend. There's unlikely to be a day, Kageyama feels, where he won't smile at the thought of Hinata and him being in a relationship.

"What are you smiling at, weirdo?" Hinata laughs from where he's sat on Kageyama's bed. 

Hinata looks as calm as Kageyama wished he felt. Why isn't he worried? Because it's stupid to worry over a dinner, Kageyama thinks, but still he'd like to know the secret to that ease right now. 

"Nothing." Kageyama shrugs, walking over and leaning down to press a kiss to Hinata's lips. 

"Wah?!" Hinata's face turns bright red and he covers his mouth, looking at Kageyama with wide eyes. He hadn't been expecting a kiss - he actually kind of expected to be hit for calling Kageyama a weirdo. "W-What was that about?!"

"Just kissing my boyfriend." Kageyama chuckles.

Hinata huffs before nodding. His face is still red. It makes Kageyama want to kiss him over and over and over. 

So he does, leaning down and kissing Hinata softly again.

"Kag-" Hinata tries to protest but he's soon relaxing and kissing back, not even pretending to push Kageyama away when his hands slide up to his neck.

Kageyama hums and pushes Hinata backwards gently, one knee settling either side of Hinata's legs. He continues to press kisses to Hinata's lips and they gradually grow longer and softer the closer they get to laying across the bed.

"Kag...eyama.." Hinata murmurs his name in two parts between kisses.

Kageyama isn't that interested in talking and if he's honest with himself neither is Hinata.

Neither are sure how much time is spent there, kissing and stroking hair and faces. Absorbed in each other and the way each kiss makes their bodies light up in a way that can be described with a thousand different, poetic words but still be indescribable.

They're both a little flushed, the room feeling much warmer than a few minutes - or was it hours? - ago. Small pants escape their lips when they aren't kissing or letting out little appreciative noise.

Kageyama doesn't really think about it when he gently uses his teeth to tug on Hinata's lower lip but he's not at all sorry when the boy beneath him moans against his lips and he feels the shiver of pleasure that runs from Hinata's head to his toe. Kageyama repeats the action, enjoying the reaction more than he'll admit.

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