Shinigami World

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Jace's POV
The Undertaker smiled at me after my attack stopped. Then, he began to giggle. I frowned at him.

"What's so funny?" I asked. He cackled louder.

"My my, kitten." He said between his laughter. "I didn't expect you to do that! You always surprise me, saving Alan. I had no idea you'd do it!"

"He didn't deserve that fate." I said with resolve.

"Indeed." The Undertaker agreed.

Subconsciously, I rubbed at my chest. "How are you feeling, m'dear?"

I shrugged. I could feel my blood and the thorns of death fighting for dominance. I knew I would win, so the thorns were becoming quite a nuisance. "Fine. I just want my blood to win already. This is starting to become annoying." I huffed.

"All in good time, kitten. All in good time." The Undertaker replied. "Now come!" He said, grabbing my wrist and taking us into the back room.

All of the shinigami were in there, and I saw Alan sat at the edge of a coffin, talking quietly with Eric. Eric had his arm around Alan's shoulders and he kissed his hair.

Oh how I wish I had a relationship like that. I thought sadly.

William T Spears looked up as I walked through the door. "You have proven yourself to be trustworthy, boy." He said.

I frowned at the use of the word 'boy.' I was older than he was! Instead of voicing my thoughts, I merely nodded to him.

"Now, we really must depart." Mr Spears said. The other shinigami nodded and began to get up. I felt a little awkward, was I supposed to go too? "Hurry now!" Spears said beckoning me forward. "We don't have all day!"

"Yes sir." I replied.

The Undertaker engulfed me in another hug. "Don't mind him, dear." He whispered in my ear. "He seems quite cold but I know you two will get along just fine."

I smiled. "I hope so."

Reluctantly, I let go of the Undertaker. He waved creepily at me. Most people would be frightened but I laughed quietly, I understood his humor whilst many others didn't.

We left the shop and were back in London's cold streets again. After a couple of minutes of walking, Mr Spears took us down an empty alleyway. He raised his scythe and opened a portal and one by one, the shinigami entered. "Come." He said.

I slowly made my way to the portal, suspicious. Spears began to get impatient and grabbed my arm, dragging me through the portal with him.

On the other side, there were many white buildings and I knew exactly where I was: the shinigami world.

"We cannot leave you alone." Spears said. "You have proven yourself to be trustworthy to us, but not to the higher-ups. You will meet them tomorrow in court."


"I will make your case." He finished. "However, lodgings are a bit of an issue." He frowned. "As Sutcliff is Knox's mentor, they already share an apartment, Slingby and Humphries also share..." He drifted off. "So you will have to stay with me."

Oh lord.


The shinigami then began to split off, each going to their respective homes. I stood awkwardly next to Mr Spears.

"Let's go." He muttered.

I trailed lazily behind him until we reached a small apartment block. He opened the door and gestured me inside into the foyer. We climbed the stairs in silence and it was starting to get a little uncomfortable. He was still so stoic even after work?

He then led me over to an apartment door and he took out his keys. The door swung open and he automatically took of his shoes and I followed in the process.

His apartment was immaculate, as I expected. There was a neutral colour scheme, every surface was shiny to perfection. There was no indication that it was even lived in, it looked like a showroom.

"Since I am head of the department, I do not have to share. However, given the circumstances, I can't leave you alone. I hope you understand."

"I do, Mr Spears." I replied.

"Please, it's after hours, call me William."

I nodded. He then left the room and I stood awkwardly in the doorway. A few moments later, he returned holding a blanket, towel and a change of clothes. He put them neatly onto the cream sofa.

"You may take a shower if you wish." William said. "The bathroom is down the hall, first door on the right."

"Thank you, William." I smiled.

"That is not a problem. If you need me, I'll be in my study completing paperwork."

This guy does not have an off switch. I thought to myself as I made my way to the bathroom.

I looked at myself in the full length mirror for the first time in a long while. My white hair was matted and had faded to an almost dull grey. There was dried blood on my face as well as on my clothes, that had many rips and holes in them. I look awful. I cringed.

I took off my shirt and began to look at my arms, my veins were still black. I rolled my eyes. My eyes then scanned my chest. It was littered with countless scars and burn marks. I traced them with my finger, remembering the feeling of blades running through my skin and the red hot fire that singed me.

I turned around and then inspected my back. There were countless whip marks and my skin looked completely shredded. I silently cursed my brother and him.

Before I could be clouded with memories I would rather forget, I took off the rest of my clothes and I stepped into the shower. I turned on the water and let it run down my aching back before I washed all of the blood out of my hair. I then began to scrub at my body, trying to rid myself of all of the dirt I had collected in my many years of torment.

I turned off the shower and stepped out and wrapped a towel around myself. I began to dry myself, purposely avoiding the mirror as I didn't want to look at my scarred body again. When I was dressed, I dared to glance into the looking glass.

Truth be told, I did look a lot better. The blood was gone from my face and you could see my pale white skin, my bright white hair matching my complexion.

I ran my fingers through my shoulder length locks, brushing out any knots I didn't take out in the shower. Feeling satisfied, I left the bathroom.

Vampire ~ (Boy X Boy) ~A Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler FanficWhere stories live. Discover now