Factors That Can PREVENT Hairgrowth-

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Kinky Kurly Krimes

So some of you may have been doing this "natural thing" for a while and may not seem to hair growth. It may be a case of your hair not getting past a certain post, shoulder length for example or that you just bc'd and you feel like your hair looks like Chris Brown's :(

The good news is that hair is always growing, or at least it should be. In this chapter I will name a few products, habits and routines that can actually reverse and prevent the growth of hair. Also, the case may not be that your hair isn't growing, it may simply be that you arent aware of the growth or you are not retaining length [stagnant length] ; A new chapter of the Hairgrowth series will be up soon on retaining length

Read on, you may just find yourself guilty of some of these kinky kurly hair krimes.



Some products that we go out and buy in search of something to aid growth, can actually be harmful and work to prevent hairgrowth. Here are a few products to stay away from:

Kinky Kurly Killers:

-Blue Magic: Yes, yes I know its hard to beleive, that trusted grease moma put on your scalp every time she did your hair, its the enemy. Many newer types of Blue Magic range are available, such as Olive Oil, Coconut Oil and Castor Oil Infusions. While these Oils are amazing for your hair, the amount used in Blue Magic products are very minimal, so you would need to keep purchasing the tubs of grease in order to see minimal result. 
It is best to buy the pure oils. In Blue Magic grease there is a higher proportion of ingredients such as petroleum and mineral oil, which is what makes the product so cheap.

What makes this product as well as many other 'greses' bad for your hair is that they contain petrolatum, also known as Vaseline. When you use Vaseline on your lips, it doesn't get absorbed in, it just acts as a barrier for chapped lips, right? It doesn't actually moisturise the lips.

So when you put it on your scalp, petrolatum-based products will sit as a thick layer on top, blocking the hair follicle which means hair cannot grow easily.

Think of a plant growing; you water it, you definately dont put some thick greasy substance all over the soil it grows from.

-DAX-also contains petroleum jelly and mineral oil

>>>>>>>This goes for any hair product which contains petroleum, petrolatum and minerail oil. EVEN, some which claim to be "for natural hair"


-Too Much Product; like mentioned above, some products ar bad for your hairgrowth. However, with many products, some of which are great for hair growth, using too much will cause the same negative effect of petroleum based products. 



The following products cause stagnant length because they cause breakage. If your hair is growing at the same rate which it is breaking, you will not see any length.

-Sheen Sprays:contain the deadly Mineral Oil, which only coats hair and doesn't moisturise it. This leads to dryness in hair although the sprays often make hair appear shiny, hence the name "sheen spray". Not to worry though, as these sprays seem to be most popularly used on protective styles such as braids and senegalese twists. 

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