3 - The family lunch

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Fiona's eyes looked dull. She has brown eyes and it seemed that it has lost its color. So she quickly put on some makeup to make her eyes look a bit more normal. She is not a big fan of using cosmetics, but she has to make herself look at least presentable in front of her in-laws. So she quickly dressed herself up and went to the living area.

She wore a light blue dress. It wasn't dressy but a simple casual dress, fancy enough to wear it on a normal outing. With her blue dress, she put on a matching blue gladiator. When she was just finishing up her hair, she heard Grace calling her.

"Fiona, Justin is waiting for you in the car." Grace informed her.

So Fiona quickly went downstairs and sat in his car. Without even giving her a look he started the engine. Well, this is the second time in two days that he has treated her in such a manner.

So now he was going to ignore her, just great!

What exactly did she do?

Oh yeah!

She just got him breakfast this morning and this is what she gets in return. Amazing right!!

Bloody hell! Fiona was not going to give him that satisfaction. He was the one who didn't show up at the night of their marriage not the other way round. She is not going to explain herself to her dearest husband, especially when she did nothing wrong. Let him find the truth by himself.

The ride was filled with uncomfortable silence. After an hour which felt like an eternity, they finally reached his parents' place.

It would be an understatement if she calls his home small. It was pretty huge, but it still felt cozy yet comfortable. When the door opened, Fiona was instantly crushed by his mother's hug. She had a big smile plastered on her beautiful face. She was petite and had chocolate brown hair and blue eyes just like her son. But Justin's hair was darker than her.

"Welcome home," said Sara chirped happily.

Fiona's mother in law name is Sara. As soon as her eyes shifted to Daniel, her father in law, she remembered the deal of her marriage which made Fiona glare at him. But the smile which was plastered on his face was sincere, so she smiled back at him after a long mental sigh.

So she greeted them politely. "Hello Mr. and Mrs. Carters"

"Please call me Sara or better mom, you are a family", Sara said genuinely, but only if she knows, how much ever Fiona wants she will never be able to be the part of this family.

"Yes Fiona, call me Daniel or Dad just like Justin, I am not your boss here." Yes! You heard it right. Daniel Carter, father of Justin is Fiona's boss. She works for him in his company. Justin works in another branch of the same firm.

"Sure Sara and Daniel". In-laws of her were a bit disappointed that she decided to call them by name but chose to ignore it as they knew that it is going to take time for their daughter in law to get used to everything.

But in reality, Fiona would have called them mom and dad, but she could not do that because she didn't feel that she had a right to call them that yet plus her relationship with Justin was very complicated and not forget the uncertainty of the time of their marriage and in addition to that she didn't want to him more angry by being too comfortable with his parents.

When they entered their home Fiona was greeted by Justin's sibling Aaron, who very much looked like his elder brother. He might be a few years younger than him and his personality was screaming that of a player.

Soon they were all sitting at the dining hall and eating lunch. Fiona was deep in thought until Daniel complimented her, "Fiona you did a great job on your presentation. From your newly married life, you took your time out and did an amazing presentation. I really appreciate the fact that from the past one week you have been working from home. You are one of the most reliable and best employees in my company. I am really proud of you."

Before she could even thank him, Fiona heard a small clank beside her and saw a shocked look on the face of Justin. Well, he finally got his facts correct that she had been working just like him for the past seven days. The only difference is that she is doing it from home instead of the office.

"You OK Justin?" his dad and mum asked with concern.

"Y...Yes...mum, everything is fine. Spoon just slipped", he stuttered...well it clearly states that he was surprised.

His mother just shrugged and continued eating. Fiona was enjoying this lunch more than she expected.

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