19 - Nervous

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A week has gone by, and still, Justin couldn't say anything to Fiona, and today is the last day of their trip. Tomorrow, they will head back to their homes.

"Hey!! What's wrong? You have been zoning out a lot since the morning." Fiona asked him. Worry was written all over her face.

"Nothing, it's just today is our last day of vacation, and after a day or so, we have to get back to work."

"Yeah, I know." She said sadly.

"I want to say something." He blurted it out of nowhere.

"Um, sure, say?"

This was the perfect opportunity to pour his heart out. "Oh, I wanted to say that... The weather today is very pleasant. Don't you agree?"

'Seriously, the weather?' Justin cursed himself mentally.

"Oh yeah, I guess."

"I want to say something else."

"Ok, go ahead." She said it carefully.

Justin took her hands into his, and they fit perfectly. "Your hands are so soft." He said it unconsciously.

"Thanks, I guess." She answered awkwardly.

"You are welcome." Justin said with a sly smile and chuckled nervously.

'Okay! What the hell is going on with Justin?' That was the first thought that came to Fiona's mind. He'd been dozing off since the morning. He appeared to be thinking hard about something and wanting to say something, but he was failing miserably.

And now he is acting weirdly. His behavior was absurd. Complimenting about the weather and her hand.



Justin first thought after their awkward conversation. 'What the hell is wrong with me?? Seriously!! Hand. Well, he didn't lie when he said that her hand was soft. 'Her hand is smooth and soft.'

Dude, get a grip.

*at night*

Okay, deep breathing. In, out, in, out, just calm down. Relax, Justin, just relax.

He can't be relaxed right now, can he? The most beautiful girl was waiting for him outside, and he had taken every chance he could get. He had been trying to tell her since the morning, but instead of confessing his feelings, he had blurted out nonsense.

He appreciated the weather, her hand, the designer who made the dress, which looked beautiful on her, the streets, and the environment. But, seriously! He needs to check his sanity.

This was way more difficult than a business deal. He looked in the restaurant's washroom mirror.

"Dude, you can do this, and she is going to say yes. Though she is not like other girls who run behind you, she will say yes."

Justin tried to assure himself in every way he could. She wasn't like other girls, so how could he expect her to say yes?

One last time, he closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and left the washroom.

"What took you so long? You were gone for like 20 minutes or so." Fiona asked.

Dam!! 20 min

"I don't think you would like to know,"

"What... gross." She scrunched her nose up.

He laughed at her reaction.

"So, what do you want to have?" He asked her.

"Um, anything is fine. However, I am really confused as to what I should eat."

"Ok then."

He called the server and ordered their food. Soon, the meal came, and they dug into it. And, in Mother Nature's glory, the food was delectable.

Both of them were done with their food. But still, Justin didn't man up and tell her about his feelings. If things continue like this, he won't be able to tell her anything, even in his next life.

Should he even say it to her? What if it's a signal from the universe that she will say no? What if this is not the right time? Well, everything happens for a reason, right?

Yes, of course, it does. So it's decided that he won't tell her anything. When it's the right time, he would tell her.

"Halloo..." Fiona was waving both her hands in front of his eyes.

"Did I pace out again?" Justin laughed nervously.

"Yes, you certainly did." She chuckled.

"Um, so would you like to have a dance with me, my dear wife?" He extended his hand.

In front of them, many couples were dancing. They were having their meal on the rooftop. The tables were placed on the edge of the railings, and the middle space was kept blank for the couples who were willing to dance.

"Umm, sure." She gladly accepted his hand.

He led her to the dance floor. Justin kept both his hands on her waist, and she kept her hands on his shoulder. The music was slow, and both of them were moving along in sync.

He pulled her closer. And she interlocked her fingers behind his neck. They both were very close and moving perfectly with the beat.

The couple was staring at each other. Justin put the strand of her hair behind her ears. He kept his hand on one of her cheeks and then slowly leaned in.

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