14 - Surprise gift

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Both of them woke up early and did their usual morning chores. Aaron came in the morning with his stuff. So they helped him to set up his new apartment. Soon after lunch, they bid their last goodbye to Aaron and Justin's old apartment.

After a few minutes ride, the couple reached their new place. The house was the same as they saw it last time.

It took them a few hours to explore the house properly and unpack the boxes. When Justin saw Fiona walking towards the guest room with her clothes box in her hand, he stopped her.

"Hey! Where are you going?"

"Another room." She said casually.

"Um, we need to keep our clothes and all the other stuff together in the master bedroom." Justin told her.

Her eyes were wide, and she looked confused.

So he explained to her further, "I mean that I see that my parents like to have unexpected visits and not only my parents, but if anyone comes here, it will be difficult to explain why our belongings are kept differently."

"Oh, okay. I got it." Fiona said as she realized what he meant.

"Well, it's dinner time, so after eating, we can set up the master bedroom. What say?" Justin asked.

Her tummy growled.

"Well, I got my answer." He said, chuckling, to which she blushed.

They soon finished their dinner, which was pizza. They then went into the master bedroom.

Justin heard Fiona gasp when she opened the cupboard. "What the hell is this?"

"What happened?" He asked her.

"Why are there two suitcases in the bedroom along with this envelope?" She asked in confusion.

When he opened the envelope, he found two tickets to Paris with a letter. Justin opened the letter and read it aloud.

"Dear newly married couple,

We are giving you two tickets to Paris for your honeymoon. Yeah, yeah, I know we shouldn't have paid and blah, blah, but it's your entire fault. You love birds should have already been on honeymoon after your wedding, so we are doing that honor for you instead. The flight is in the afternoon, and I want you two away from this place tomorrow. I'll come and check it out. We won't be picking up the phone until you both come back from your trip, nor will we be opening the door if you come here. In short, you are both abandoned by us until you come back.

Have a lovely honeymoon. ;)

From your lovely parents.

"Don't do anything that we won't do."

When Justin saw Fiona's face, her eyes were wide with a blush on her face.

"I can't believe mum and dad would do this."

"Do nothing that we won't. What kind of mother says that?" Fiona inquired, surprised.

"Well, that's my mom for you."

"So, what should we do now?" Fiona asked.

"Umm, knowing them, they would drag us to the airport if we didn't go. So, let's go... What's the loss? We will have fun."

"Hmm, you are right. So let's unpack and then pack." She said.

Justin had a confused look on his face.

"I mean, let us unpack these boxes of clothes and then pack them in the bag."

"Oh, right. On it!"

So both of them unpacked and packed. First, they helped Justin's brother with his old apartment, and then they helped themselves with their new home. Then the honeymoon trip and packing the bags again. In the end, they were both exhausted.

Justin and Fiona were both sitting on the couch near the window. There was a small couch-style, the comfortable bed beside the window. They were both sitting in silence, sipping their coffee and gazing out the window at the backyard.

"Iwill keep the cups." Justin said when Fiona was going to keep them. It was evident that Fiona was beyond exhausted.

When he came back, he saw Fiona sleeping peacefully. He didn't want to disturb her sleep, so he laid a blanket on her. Justin didn't take her to bed as the couch was pretty oversized, and it was as comfortable as a bed, if not more. After making sure she was fine and in a deep slumber, he kissed her forehead, and then he went to sleep.

He didn't know what made him make the small gesture, but it felt natural doing it. Maybe he was getting used to the idea of Fiona being his partner. 

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