24 - The Good News

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The next morning when Fiona opened her eyes, she remembered about last night after a few moments. During the middle of their conversation, she drifted off to sleep. She doesn't really know what their reaction was, but she could clearly imagine it. Emily is throwing colorful words at Justin. What a delightful sight that might have been.

"Penny, for your thoughts." Justin came inside with two cups of coffee. Her train of thoughts was soon interrupted.

"Just thinking about Emily and James reaction."

"It was a traitor's move to fall asleep in the middle of our conversation and leave me alone to deal with those two nightmares. But yeah, they were definitely shocked and angry at first. However, they are glad that we are giving our relationship a chance. So you don't need to worry about it."

Fiona let out a sigh of relief. "I will talk to Emily in the office then, and yeah, sorry for that, didn't realize when I drifted off to sleep."

"No worries, now you should get ready, or else we will be late."

After an hour, both of them were ready to leave for their work until Fiona went towards the table to get her keys.

"What are you doing, Fi?" Justin asked

"I am grabbing the car keys?" She answered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Keep to keys on the shelf; I am dropping you off." He said while rolling his eyes.

"You don't need to, Justin. I will go by myself."

Justin knew that she was a stubborn girl and, without an argument, she was not going to let him drive her to work. So he only had one option. He went towards her.

"Give those keys to me." He asked her one more time.

"Justin, as I said before, I will be fine going by myself."

"So you are not going to listen to me?"


"Well, there is only one option left."

He grabbed her waist and pulled her towards him.

"What you..." He stopped her by crashing his lips into hers.

After a few minutes, both of them were breathless. For unknown reasons, Justin was smirking. Then the realization hit Fiona. This was a trap to steal her car keys.

"You robber gives my keys back."

"Seriously, Fi, a robber?" He exclaimed, laughing.

Justin grabbed her bag and pushed her from behind out of the door. He took her hand and made her sit in the passenger seat of the car. Then, he sat in the driver's seat. He put on the seat belt for her. Fiona crossed her hands and huffed.

"Come on, what kind of husband would I be to let my wife drive herself to work?"

"An amazing one." She was throwing daggers at him.

Great! He was pouting now. Who can say no to that adorable face?


"Good" with that, he pecked her lips, and they drove off to work.

For the past month, this has been their daily routine. They would get up in the morning, have their breakfast together, then Justin would drive Fiona to work, and he would also pick her up. After that, they would either have their dinner at home or his or her parents' place. Then, during their lunch break, Fiona and Justin would have their lunch together and spend some time with each other. And by night, both would sleep.

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