18 - Little moments

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Hey guys...more than 300 reads and 14 votes...I am super happy. I would like to thank Aimz2688 for liking my previous chapter and pointing out the blunder which might have caused confusion to my readers.

I would also like to thank Simran2305 for encouraging me. She has always encouraged in everything I do. She is also an amazing writer, so my reader, please read her book DESTINY TAKES IT ALL. Like me, even you people are going to love it. Simmo :*

Thank you, guys. Keep reading my book.



The next morning, the couple woke up a bit earlier than usual. But, unlike yesterday, today they decided to check out some of the tourist places in Paris.

When Fiona was showering, Justin was checking out all the tourist places in the brochure.

However, he had already visited Paris before. But that was because of his business; there were many places he had yet to visit.

The Louvre, Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame de Paris, Arc de Triomphe, were a few of the places that he would like to visit with Fiona.

When Justin walked out of the shower, he saw Fiona dressing herself up. He noticed she was having trouble zipping up her floral print dress.

He walked towards Fiona and stood behind her. He felt her body stiffen, and he slowly made his hand move towards her zip. He takes his sweet time closing it.

He bent a little and said, "You are welcome." And turned back, chuckling to himself.

Fiona's face was priceless. She was blushing hard. But she really looked adorable. He doesn't know what came over him, as he would have never pulled this kind of stunt on anyone.

He is kind of shy and reserved in his own way.

After they both got ready, they left for their brief tour. But before that, they called a halt at a restaurant.

Both of them sat at the table beside the window, which gave them a view of the magnificent garden.

"Bonjour, Bienvenue à Notre restaurant." (Good morning, and welcome to our restaurant), the host said.

"Bonjour." Fiona greeted

"Que feriez-vous tous les deux aiment avoir, petit déjeuner ou déjeuner." Their host asked.

"Hmm, what do you think, Justin?" Fiona asked.

"Anything you like." Justin said to her.

"Are you sure? I was thinking about trying the signature dish at this restaurant." She asked, with a sly smile on her face. Justin placed his hand on hers as a gesture of encouragement.

She had a big, crooked smile on her face.

"Nous aimerions prendre le petit déjeuner et nous ovens pensé à essayer la spécialité de Notre restaurant." (We would like to have breakfast and we were thinking about trying the specialties at your restaurant.)

Justin's eyes were wide, and he was beyond shock.

"What is wrong?" Fiona asked, looking at her husband's astonished face.

"You can speak French?" He asked in bewilderment.

"Oh yes, I took it as my second language at school." She answered nervously.

"Wow, that's impressive. Here, you are fluent in it, and I can hardly speak French." He stated.

"Really? I thought you had visited this place, so you might know the language." But, this time, she was taken aback.

"Well, you are wrong. Here and there, I know the meaning of some words. I always used to take James with me. As you know, he is my best friend and, like you, even he is fluent in French."

"Ha-ha, and I hear my best friend hardly knows anything about this language."

They were both laughing now. Soon, their breakfast arrived, and they found it delicious. Fiona praised the host's dish, and Justin gave her an extra tip before departing for the tour.

At the end of the day, both of them were exhausted. But they had fun together.

They took a lot of photos and had their own brief moments. Fiona vividly remembered each and every interaction she had with her husband.

Little moments like holding hands, walking closely together, or giving her a side glance were special to her.

There was a moment when Justin asked a lady to click their picture.

"Come on, you two lovebirds, come closer. It's your honeymoon, for god's sake, and it's the 21st century." The lady told them while rolling her eyes.

What made it stand still was when Justin grabbed Fiona's waist and pulled her close to him.


Fiona looks at Justin.


They both smiled as they stared at each other.


Fiona felt a push and lost her balance.


She was going to fall, but Justin's hand on her waist prevented her from falling.


Both their eyes were glued to each other again.


Slowly, both were standing straight, facing each other, and his hand was still on Fiona's waist, and her hand was on his shoulder. Both their faces were too close.

*click *



The lady took this entire picture in the sequence, mind you; the photos were really beautiful.

There was a point where Fiona and Justin were both standing on top of the Eiffel tower, and he kissed her on the cheek and then on her forehead. Then, he placed his hand on her shoulder and pulled her closer to him. She hesitantly put her hand on his waist. The newlywed couple was relaxing and taking in the scenery.

Fiona doesn't know about him, but she knows about the fact that she likes him a lot. However, she also knows that he might not like her in the same way as she does. But she is still going to enjoy every moment that she has with him.

Like Fiona, even Justin had a good day. Holding hands, the lady clicked their pictures, the kiss he gave her on the cheek and forehead, and lastly, the point where they both enjoyed the view from the Eiffel tower.

She didn't realize it, but they were both unknowingly behaving like an actual couple. Though the start of their relationship was not good, that doesn't mean the end will be bad because he knew that he didn't want Fiona to leave him. He really likes her, and he wants to make their marriage work.

If it is meant to be, they will definitely work things out.

Justin didn't know much about her, but the few moments that they had shared today were really special to him. It was so special that he intended to frame the photographs the lady had taken of them both. He is going to surprise Fiona after he confesses his feelings to her.

He doesn't know what her answer will be. But he was willing to take the risk. If she says yes, which he thinks she will, he will do everything to make her the happiest girl. But if she says no, then, like a gentleman, he will try to make her like him. But he would never give up on her like before, that's for sure.

'What! You have to fight for the things you care about.' That's what Justin thinks.

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