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Bruce Wayne held her unconscious body in his arms. "Thought you could fool me, didn't you?" he  mocked even though he knew very well she could neither hear him nor respond. He pushed her hair out of her face and leaned down to say, "Don't worry, Y/N. We'll have a nice little chat when you wake up."

And so she knelt in the middle of a darkened room with her arms secured tightly above her head by a rope that was attached to a hook hanging from the ceiling, her mouth duct-taped shut and her eyes covered with a blindfold. Y/N slowly started to stir and let out a muffled groan. She awoke with the worst headache she'd ever experienced and felt disorientated. She wanted to touch the spot on her head that pained her the most and stiffened when she finally realized that someone had immobilized her.

Y/N panicked and tried to shake off her bonds and let out a despaired yelp upon realizing she wouldn't succeed. She got more distressed by every passing second and pulled desperately on the chain, but it wouldn't budge.

What she didn't know however was that her captor had watched her silently with an amused expression the moment she had come to. Bruce didn't know why but he liked how    Y/N struggled and oh, did she struggle all right. It aroused him and he considered palming himself through his jeans silently. She wouldn't even know and that turned him on even more.

His smirk was soon replaced by a frown though, as soon as he'd realized that she had trouble breathing. Bruce didn't know his captive had anxiety attacks and was suffering through one right there on the spot.

She tried desperately to get some air into her lungs and to even out her breathing, but failed miserably. She started sobbing the moment dark angsty thoughts had filled her head.

What had Y/N worrying the most though was that she couldn't see. Nothing had her more on edge and not being able to see and not knowing where she was or who had taken her was reason enough to trigger an anxiety attack. She felt her lungs contract and her tears slowly stinging her eyes.

Bruce was getting slightly worried when he noticed that her movements had slowed down. He advanced her at a brisk pace and immediately reached for her blindfold to get it off of her eyes. Her wide eyes met his at once and she frantically gasped for air again and her struggles to break free started anew.

"Hey!" he attempted, "Look at me. You're okay. Calm down." But Y/N couldn't calm down. In fact, she couldn't even believe her eyes when she realized who had taken her and how it had happened; she wanted nothing more than to get away from him. She led out stifled pleas, begging him to let her breathe. Even though Bruce wasn't able to understand her silenced mumbles, he took off the duct tape anyway and cupped her left cheek. "Y/N, I need you to calm down. I won't hurt you. Just breathe."

Still panting for air, she shut her eyes tightly and let out a quiet "C- can't. Pl- please." Bruce sighed and tilted her head so she would look at him. "Breathe with me. Come on now, deep breaths." Her breathing evened out eventually and her body relaxed. Bruce had comforted her despite not wanting to show his soft side as she was still there for a certain reason so he decided to snap out of it rather quickly.

"All right," he started, "now that you figured out I am the reason you're here, it's time to get this back on." When she realized he was referring to the blindfold in his hands she shuffled away from him, or at least tried to, given the firm hold of the chain. "No, please! Don't cover my eyes! Please, please don't. I- I can't. Please just-," she tried, but he shot her a firm look. "You don't get to have demands, love. Maybe I should seal your lips first." She protested, "God, no, please! What do you want with me? Please, just let me go."

He chuckled, shook his head and stood up to grab the roll of duct tape that he kept in one of the cabinets' drawers alongside the other wall. "Let you go?" he questioned. "You think I went through all this trouble of taking you from your precious  boy toy just to let you go again only because you get a little panicky? Don't be silly, girl," he taunted while coming to kneel in front of her again, duct tape in his left hand. "It's anxiety. It's triggered by darkness," she whispered and hung her head low. A minute or so passed while neither of them spoke. Bruce eyed her skeptically and sighed as he finally brought a hand to her chin to lift up her head.

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