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"Got everything you need?" Y/N jumped when she felt her boyfriend's hands on her shoulders and took in a sharp breath. She had been bending over her suitcase that lay open on Clark's bed making sure she didn't forget to pack anything. "Jesus, Clark! Please don't sneak up on me like that." She turned around to look at him. "Sorry, I didn't mean to," Clark smiled apologetically. Y/N nodded her head. "No, it's alright. Just- yeah."

Clark wrapped his arms around her. "I know, I know." he said while pulling her close before leaning his chin on top of her head. A couple of weeks had passed since the event hosted by Lex Luthor, but the 'memory' of Bruce Wayne holding her captive was still fresh on her mind. After a couple of days spent in bed, her life had somewhat returned to normal again.

"Are you all packed, sweetheart?" She smiled at the pet name he had used for her ever since she had that dream and squeezed him to show her gratitude. "Almost. Just one more thing." She pulled away a little so she could look up at him. "What's that?" Clark asked curiously. "You," she whispered and snuggled closely back into his chest. "Aw," Clark chuckled. "You're so cheesy," he said and placed a kiss on top of her hair. She sighed, reveling in the moment of having him close.

"I don't wanna go," Y/N muttered. "I'm aware of that," he quietly laughed. "You're holding on to me like a little spider monkey," he teased in a loving manner. Her grip on him loosened. "Oh. Sorry."

"It's fine. Man of steel, remember?" Clark chuckled. "I quite enjoy your bone-crushing embraces." Y/N's laughter filled the room.

"No, but seriously, do you have everything you need in there?" Clark asked and Y/N let go of him to go through her suitcase one more time. "Hm. I think so," she said with a shrug. "You'll only be gone for three days. As long as you have your tooth brush you should be fine." Y/N tilted her head and sent him a smile. "Then I guess I'm all set. Her face fell when she realized it was time to head to the airport.

"Hey," Clark spoke softly. "Everything will be alright, I promise." He reached for her chin to lift it up, making her look at him. "What if-" Y/N took a deep breath. "What if I run into him?" Clark frowned before assuring her that she won't. "I'll keep an ear you," Clark grinned but his bad pun did nothing to cheer her up. She just looked at him with a pained expression. "I'm serious."

"Listen to me, Y/N. It wasn't real," he reminded her for what seemed like the 100th time. "Even if you see him- which is highly unlikely in a city as big as Gotham- what's the worst that could happen?" She was upset with his question. He didn't know about the anxiety attacks she had to fight at work and the nightmares that woke her up every night when he was out saving people. She shouldn't be mad at him. She knew that. Y/N could simply tell him about it, but he had a lot on his mind himself. The worst of it all though was that she couldn't shake the feeling Clark was hiding something from her.

"Right, sorry. I'm just, uh, still a little on the edge is all," she said with a rueful smile. Clark looked at her sympathetically. They heard a car horn outside and Y/N let out a sigh. "Guess my ride's here." Clark closed her suitcase and took it in his left hand while wrapping his right arm around her guiding her towards the door. She held onto his hand resting on her shoulder as they made their way outside. The cab driver had already opened the trunk and Clark placed his girlfriend's luggage inside. When he turned to face her he saw her standing with slumped shoulders staring back at Clark's flat. He pursed his lips and eyed her with concern.

"Miss, are you ready?" The cab driver asked and Y/N jumped, startled by his voice. "Oh! Yes, sorry." Clark held the car's door open for her. "Call me when you get there, yeah?" He asked her and she nodded her head. "I will." He sent her a smile. "Good." She came to stand in front of him. "Nothing's gonna happen to you, Y/N."

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