Chapter 5

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Cece's POV :

"Yo Cece you good girl ? You look like you just seen a ghost .." Chey came out of the shower looking at the computer screen.

"Chey.... Look at Jadens last tweet. He was the one at the mall getting mobbed he's the one who t-took my p-phone!" I stuttered

"Are you serious right now - "

"Yes Jaden Fucking Smith has my phone right now" I cut Chey off

"So Jaden Smith was just like 2 foot steps from me from us?! So that means Moi and ... Teó 😻 was most likely with him. I can't even" Chey wasn't all obsessed over Jaden it was mostly Teó she liked.

"Yes, but we have to get my phone back ! How can I contact him without looking like a crazy fan? I mean look at all these tweets claiming my phone as there's -.- " I sighed

"Cece don't worry I can just DM him remember he follows me, duhh" She pulled out he phone and started typing.

"Thank god you're a lifesaver , well I'm sleepy I'm gonna go in the guest room is that ok?" I asked peeking in her doorway.

"Yeah of course night Cece" She turned off her lights and I left.

I got into bed and went to sleep instantly.

*Next Morning*

Jadens POV :

I woke up and checked my twitter to see if anyone replied back about the phone. Seriously everyone is saying the damn phone is there's -.- I tweeted

"I Need Yall To Be Truthful About The Phone I Have . If Its Not Yours Dont Say It Is . Thanks Love Yall"

I almost logged outta my twitter but then I saw I had a DM from @cheyannearias so I checked it

"Hey Jaden I need you to read this the phone you have is my Bestfriend Cece's Im not lying I'm serious her background is a picture of you sitting on the couch with a msft tee and a skateboard she's really upset hope you see this"

I looked at the phones wallpaper and it matched the description. This Cheyanne girl was being legit.

I replied back

"Hey Thanks For Reaching Out To Me , Im Sorry About Your Friend Cece Again . I Feel So Bad Maybe We Could Meet Up Somewhere? At The Starbucks By The Plaza And I Can Return It Later Today @ 3:30?" I sent the message and told Teó and Moi.

"Wait so you're actually gonna meet up with these two chicks what if they're crazy fans?" Teó asked thinking back at past experiences.

"Nah I can tell this Cheyanne girl seems chill. Don't worry bro"

"Ahh ok if you say so , we should go get ready, it's almost 1:30" Moi Said looking at the clock.

We all went to go get ready to meet up at Starbucks.

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