Chapter 13

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Cece POV 

We drove for about 30 minutes when we pulled up to the beach a block away from Jadens house. I smiled while looking out my window at the beautiful sunset. Jaden got out the car and walked over to the passenger side and helped me out. 

"Thanks" I started blushing really hard.

"No problem, you look extremely beautiful tonight" he said looking me up and down with a dark look in his eyes. My heart started beating really fast.

He grabbed my hand and lead me to the shore where there was a blanket and a picnic basket and cooler sitting next to it. I sat down and Jaden sat next to me.

"You know you didn't have to do any of this for me, I honestly would have been happy going to mcdonalds or something" I said laughing.

"Nah, I don't think you understand you're worth more than you let yourself believe. A shortie like you needs to be treated like a princess. You're too beautiful not to be." He looked into my eyes and grabbed my face with his hands.

"Thank you Jaden, but no. I'm nowhere near any of that" I replied back with my head down messing with the sand.

"Hey! How I see them is how I call them and you're perfect to me." he pulled my face in closer to his and kissed me. My heart sped up and fireworks went off instantly. "Please believe me when I say that, please" he looked into my eyes, his pleading with truth. 

I shook my head multiple times still shocked from the kiss. I was interrupted by Jadens voice.

"Cece? You okay? Are you hungry, I have some salads and bread." He asked holding up the picnic basket.

"Uh yeah, i'm good.. just wasn't expecting that" I laughed a little and sat next to him while he unpacked the food. 

"Sorry I just felt like I really needed to do that" He was looking down at the ground messing with the sand. 

I smiled and we started eating. Once we were both done we gathered all the stuff and left to the car.

"Thanks for bringing me out here J, I really appreciated it." I looked over at him and he smiled.

"Well thank you for actually wanting to come." he smiled and continued "wanna go back to  my crib? It's only 8:34 , we could chill and just talk." 

"Sure" I agreed and ran towards to car.

We arrived at his house and went inside and made sure not to make any noise because Will and Jada were home. We tiptoed upstairs to his room and he shut the door behind him. I flopped on to his bed, he took his shirt off and I couldn't help but to stare.

"Dammmnnn that six pack was mighty fine" I thought.

"Like what you see or nah" He asked cockily winking at me.

"Nahh" I licked my lips and smirked.

He laughed and sat and cuddled up next to me.

I breathe in taking in his scent. Wonderful.

"What cologne do you wear?" I laughed while asking.

"Uh dolce and gabana, why" he chuckled.

"Because, no reason" I smirked and turned my body so i was facing toward him.

Jaden POV 

Cece turned and faced toward me breaking us out of the spooning position, she looked into my eyes and smiled. I smiled back and kissed her nose.

"Soo, have you ever had a boyfriend?" I asked her hoping she'd say no.

She rolled her eyes and sat up straight.

She sighed "Unfortunately yes, he was a real dick though. He was one of those annoying controling boyfriends who wouldn't let me do anything and I was stuck on stupid for staying in a relationship with him for 9 1/2 months. But other than that nah he was my first and only booyfriend. After that I didnt really feel like I could trust boys so I pushed every guy who came into my life away." she looked down picking at the bed sheet.

I lifted her face up towards mine and she smiled.

"You didnt deserve that, a girl like you deserves to be treated like a queen because you are one. Cece?" I asked

"Yeah J?" she answered back looking curious. My heart was beating out of my chest.

"I uh been wanting to ask you this for a while, when I first met you it was one of the best days of my life. Seeing someone so beautiful and funny like you, that was all I needed in my life. You are the best thing that has happened to me in a while to be honest, and if you trust me.. Will you be my girl?" I looked at her waiting for an answer.

She lifted her head up shyly with tears in her eyes and shook her head yes.

"Yes a million times I'll be your girlfriend" she was bouncing on the bed happily and hugged me.

I grabbed her by her waist from jumping on the bed and kissed her, passionately and once we let go I held her close to my chest.

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