Chapter 1

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"Hey, Kuro!!" I turn around as I hear someone calling my name."What is it?" I see Bokuto in front of me panting. I guess he ran to me. He took a deep breath and got back to normal. He showed me a paper of filled with jobs. One was circled as I read what it said "Babysitting". I was shocked when I saw how much they were paying to babysit a kid. "What!? $20 per hour! You got to be kidding me!" I turned to Bokuto. "Nope it's for real alright, Let's show Oikawa this and see what he says." He responded. Oikawa was looking for a job too. "Right, when are we seeing the parents?" I asked. "Uh...I don't know if we tell Oikawa in time we might see them like about... 5:35 p.m." I check my phone it was 4:05 p.m. "Call the number while I call Oikawa if he wants to do this." I told Bokuto. He headed to the nearest payphone. I forgot he left his phone at my place. I started to call Oikawa.
"Hey Bokuto found us a job!"
Oikawa sounded happy that I told him this.
"Uh...the job,is babysitting" Every thing went quiet through the other lane.
"Oh, much would they pay us?" Oikawa asked
"About $20 bucks per hour."
I thought his mind would change if i told him how much they pay us. We really need Oikawa he really good with kids plus if it's just Bokuto and I, I would have take care of the two.
" What you say, Oikawa?"
I was worried how he would answer.
"Sure I'll do it, plus it would be a mess if it was just you a Bokuto." He giggled after saying that. I started to laugh because it's true.
"Ok thanks,we'll meet up at my place at 4:20." I told him.
"Cool see ya soon."
I ended the call. I try to find Bokuto. I saw him ending his call too. " So what they say?" I asked him. "They said 5:35 is a great time to meet them." I was happy by that.
"Cool, I called Oikawa he said yes to the job. We are meeting at my place at 4:20."
"Ok that's nice. Let head to your place to eat."
Time Skip
It was 5:00 p.m. All three of us went to see the parents. When we got there it was 5:20.We were early but we went to the doorstep and knock.
Inside sounded quiet I was afraid if this was the right place. "Are you sure this is the right place?It seems to be too quiet." I asked Bokuto. Before he could speak the door open by a mid-age woman. By guessing it was the mother of the child.
"Oh, Hi are you guys that called us about the job?" The mid-age woman asked. Bokuto nodded his head. As we went inside the house I saw a girl run up to the mid-age woman. She seems about the six or seven years old. She had bright orange hair and light brown eyes. Oikawa got to her level and said hello to her and talked. Bokuto talked to the girl's mother something about how long do we take care of her questions like that, while I stand there looking at the six year old girl. She looked at me and smiled, she seems nice and lovely. "So, she's kinda a mess like she really hyper all the time and always want to go out even though I dont have the time." the woman said to us, I can see that in alot of kids since their parents are always working hard to spend time with their kids. I looks sad sometimes.

"When do we start the job?" I interruped Bokuto and the woman's conversation. We all turned to the woman for the answer. Oikawa looked at me with a smile on his face. I guess he already getting along with the girl.

"Uh.. How about tomorrow I have a trip for two weeks."

We all looked at her and we all looked at each other. By seeing in Oikawa's and Bokuto's eyes they agreed on what the woman said.

"Sure, tomorrow is great " I told the woman. Bokuto and Oikawa looked really happy just taking care of one kid. After we left the house Oikawa told us what the girl likes,hate and random topics.

"Her name is Natsu. She likes animals and flowers. Maybe some day we can take her to the Zoo or to a Flower Garden."
Animals and Flowers, huh

"I just can't wait to spend time with her! I wish it already tomorrow!!"
Bokuto sounded excited about taking care of Natsu. I'm happy about it too even Oikawa since he already talked to her.

I can't wait to see Natsu tomorrow.

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