Chapter 14

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Raven shook her paw, sending small red droplets into the snow. Unaffected she continued to walk on the narrow path. Behind her, the body of her fourth victim lay and painted the ground scarlet. Raven had been up in the mountains for three days now, but felt like she wasn't getting any further. Frustration burned inside her and she sat down, looking around.

Not long after she had started to climb she had come across a rogue who had tried to chase her away. Suddenly all of her pent up feelings were unleashed and she had killed the rogue, blaming it on what her grandmother had told her: To kill ten cats. The next day history repeated, and likewise today. Before she would have felt guilt and depression but previous events seemed to have made her immune to those feelings. Now just sinking her claws into something felt good.

Of course, she was calm when she was alone but another cat's presence seemed to get on her nerves really quickly. So she continued to trek uphill in silence, never uttering a word to strangers or even herself. The nights had been dreamless and refreshing, the cold mountain air waking her quickly and efficiently. But it was getting late, and with the sun disappearing fast in leaf-bare she had to find shelter. But where?

There’s not a rock in sight! Raven thought. The wind was picking up, and made snow and ice crystals whip her face painfully. But she steeled herself and continued to walk. Soon there was barely enough light to see her own paws and Raven had to admit defeat. She had gotten farther, but now she had to stop. It was dangerous just being in the mountains, so traveling in the dark was no good idea. Therefore she slumped down by the nearest overhanging rock and curled up into a tight ball.

The night was eerily quiet. Not a bird was singing, no mountain predators were out hunting. The snow softened all minor sounds, and since there were no loud noises there was nothing to fill the silence. Lying there in the dark waiting for sleep, Raven had to control over where her thoughts drifted. So before she knew it she was thinking about Amber. Not in an angry of vengeful way, but sad. Lonely. Raven longed for the warmth of his warm fur, his humorous nature, and his kind words. Amber always cheered her up and pushed her to go on when she was in doubt. He would help her hunt larger prey, and teach her what he knew about different plants and animals.

That was what had hurt Raven the most. She didn’t understand how he could do something like that; come with her all this way, act so friendly, like he cared. And then suddenly leave when they were so close to the end of their journey? It just didn’t make sense in Raven’s head. He had been so caring one moment, and then so cold and ignorant the next. Had something happened? Had she said something, or done something? Did he think she was a selfish she-cat who just wanted to find her family because she was lonely? Whatever had possessed him to do something like that, Raven now wished it made him unhappy. Selfish? Sure. But to Raven, it would be calling it even. He hurt her, he becomes unhappy as well.

After too long pondering all that, Raven finally managed to drift off to sleep. The last thing she thought of was Amber’s warm eyes.


It was still dark when Raven woke. The sun rises early this high up, but the peek covers for most of the light for a while yet. But Raven was hungry, and food was scarce so she stood up and set out in the dim light in search for food.

 Around her there was nothing but rocks and a few dry bushes. To her right the landscape was flat for a while until it hit the wall of the mountain, taking a sharp angle upwards. The mountain was layered that way almost all the way up, the only difference was that it grew narrower and narrower.

Looking up at the way she had to go filled Raven with hopelessness, and she let out a wordless yowl of frustration. The sound echoed around here, growing weaker and weaker.

Falconblaze's Path- SPECIAL EDITION (3): Ravenpaw's AwakeningWhere stories live. Discover now