Niall & Harry Take Miami

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Sequel to 22 Times [Liam Payne]

• Prologue •

–It was a normal day at the One Direction’s flat –

-Niall’s Pov-

            “Not enough food, not enough energy to get some either.” I say as I close the fridge with the loudest yawn. Haven’t eaten all day since I slept all the afternoon and I think I might sleep some more since we have visitors and those visitors are Perrie, Eleanor and Francis. It’s not that I hate them, it’s just when the girls come the lads get annoying with their kissing and Harry and I have to be away from their make out sessions.

            Harry doesn’t mind though, he gets along very well with them, I do too, but he’s okay when they’re around. He doesn’t mind when Louis kiss Eleanor in the lips, he doesn’t mind finding Zayn and Perrie in their room making out and he doesn’t mind Francis and Liam acting all Romeo and Juliet. Because Harry is okay with being single, he’s okay with not dating and he can get any girl he wants, but he just doesn’t want to.

            The good old days when I thought the same, I’ve literally been single since three years ago! My last girlfriend was Holly and to admit, it was the only girlfriend I’ve had in my entire life. Confessing that I haven’t had sex and it’s embarrassing the whole world knows. I was okay with all that, I was very fine that I rather eat than go to dates, but since I met Francis my whole world turned around/

            Francis is the first girl that attracted me and sadly, she’s Liam’s wife. Tell me what does Liam has that I don’t have. I’m not trying to compare, but let’s be honest; I’m hot, aren’t I?

            “Niall, can I borrow your laptop?” Harry shouts.

            “Yeah sure”

            I mean I can get any girl I want, don’t I?


            Well mind, you’re right. I can’t get any girl I want. I don’t only refer to Francis, but last month I tried to ask Ellie Goulding out, but she friendzoned me and changed her phone number. Then I even tried asking a fan out and all she did was scream, so I won’t do that again.

            “Wait, wait don’t use it yet!” I panic and run to the sitting room, Harry’s on the sofa with my laptop on his lap, his mouth wide open with his eyes as the size of beach balls. I feel myself turn pale, then blood rushes up to my cheeks and hesitate.

            “Why do you have–” Harry begins, but I freak out and take my laptop back. I sit next to him and look at him annoyed.

            “Why are you looking through my documents, Harry? I thought I told you to stop doing that!”

            “Why do you have Francis photos in your laptop? Especially when she’s in bikinis…” He whispers, and leans to look at the screen again, but I push his face away.

            “I knew I had to delete these…” I mumble and his eyebrows raises, “These are not mine. Francis’ needed my laptop to connect her pendrive and I haven’t deleted them in case she needed them! Jesus Christ, Harry! I don’t have a dirty mind like you.” 

            “No, no, is just,” Harry takes my laptop back after I delete the photos, “she’s hot.” He mouths and I nod in agreement. Liam enters the room with Francis behind him and I wave at them lazily.

            “Hey, I thought we could hang out with you lots for a bit.” Liam says jumping on the sofa with Francis, and place a kiss on her cheek. She blushes and smiles at me, exposing a tiny dimple in her right cheek. I smile back quickly turn away when Liam moves her chin to kiss her lips.

            “Well you two lovebirds can get a room.” Harry jokes and I sigh in relief when Liam stops kissing Francis like if they were the only ones in the entire world.

            “What are you doing though?” She asks curiously.

            “Ah, just looking for airplanes tickets.”

            What? Seriously, Harry? Can I get in a plane with you so I don’t have to be with these hormonal people?

            “Are you going to New York or LA?”

            “Miami,” Harry answers and looks at me, “Wanna come with me?”

            “Yeah, mate. We have a long break before tour, why wouldn’t I?”

            “Alright, I’m going to buy tickets tonight and we leave next Thursday, yeah?”

            “Fine with me”

            I notice Francis cheekily smiling at Liam and she stands up, walking seductively out the room and Liam awkwardly looks at us before following Francis.

            “They’re going to… you know.” Harry says.

            I gag, “I do not want to know.”

            “You really loved her, didn’t you?”

            “Yeah, so? It doesn’t matter anymore.”

            “Oh Niall, I laugh at you,” He grins, “You think you can get a girl by looking like that.”

            “Like what?”

            “Nothing, I don’t want to offend.” He throws his hands in surrender.

            “Now you got me fucking curious, are you telling me or not?”

            “Okay, first, you have no muscles. Your arms jiggles, you don’t work out, you’re a good boy and you’re too cute.”

            “Thanks” I smile.

            “Cute is not nice. Cute is like… ‘You’re gay’. Tell me when the last time you did something bad was.”


            Make something up!

            “Ah yeah, I once told Louis his hair looked good, but it actually looked bad.”

            Harry looks at me dead serious, “You need help.” He says and closes the laptop, “And I’m going to help change your image.”

            “I’m fine with meself.”

            “Are you?”


            He knew I wasn’t.

Niall & Harry Take Miami (22 Times Series)Where stories live. Discover now