Chapter 1 - nEw mommy

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i ride the bus from my house in british to LA because im gunna get adopted! my mom died in a plane wreck 10 minutes ago. i get to the house finally after a whole hour! i see on the porch a lady wearing a red walmart cardigan and plaid skirt with a matching red belt. i wlak up to my new mommy

"helo my boy male child" hshe says with a purple lipgloss smile 

"hi moM!" i hug her. my arms dont fit around her bc she is big fat woman!! 

she laughs laughs laughs "oh huny call me sandy!" 

im so happy and then she says she has kids! i get shy because im an outcast but when i see them im happy! "this is adam, hes four year old" i lock at my new 5"10 180 pounds brother. hes wearing a blue walmart super man shirt and big green basketball shorts. i love him!!! 

i go to my room and then jump into the shower to wash my old family's blood from my skin. i smile. its such a good day! i cant weight to see my new schooL! i just hope that im not an outcast again!! :0

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