We Are Just Having An Intense Discussion

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“Ladies and gentlemen, please calm down. I am sure all of your questions will be answered shortly.”

Even Sam’s yelling over the crowd did nothing to lower the noise that was radiating around the stage. So this is what a press conference is like. Where the faces of news crews once were, my vision had now replaced with white dots. This is what happens when there are at least ten camera flashes being shot at you ever couple seconds. Actually, I’m starting to feel a little sick.

If you pass out on this stage you will get trampled. It will be like the Lion King. Do not let yourself get trampled.

Looking at the dashing prince sitting next to me, I found him to look very calm and collected. Maybe he does this often. Not the marriage part, the press conference part.

“Jay. Jay, I think I’m going to be sick. I’m dizzy and I feel like I’m about to vomit all over.” It was a good thing that I didn’t have to talk at this because those words alone were coming out shaky. I never was good at giving speeches. Or being in front of people. Or having my picture taken.

“Sweetheart, sorry, Peyton, it is going to be okay. This is just to give them a little nibble and then we can go back to the palace. You look gorgeous by the way. Now put a smile on that dashing face of yours and they will have no idea.” With a small wink he turned away to face the mob.

Just keep smiling Peyton. Breathe in, breath out. The only person who knows how nervous you are is you. You are strong. At least pretend to be strong.

“Thank you all for coming today.” Sam’s voice bellowed through the speakers. He looks so comfortable in front of those people. Like he knows that nothing wrong will happen. “As you know, there has recently been a law passed that prohibits the royal family from divorcing at the cost of their title. Now, right after that law was put into place a great mix-up occurred. There have been various stories circulating and it is time that you know the truth.”

With a great hush falling over the crowd, Sam began to tell them what we had talked about. “On a night out with his American friends, the Prince met Miss Par met at a popular club. While enjoying each other’s company, both were given a very large dose of a sedative that rendered them unconscious. It was during that time, the supposed marriage took place. We have yet to find out if the marriage was legal, but we are working quite hard on doing so. At this time, we are exhausting every option looking for the responsible parties as well as seeing what the new law states about such circumstances. We will not be taking any questions at this time.”

With that, the noise level quadrupled and Jay took my hand and led me to the back. Even in the back I could hear things being yelled out.

“Did the girl plan this, is she a suspect?” That is the one I kept hearing over and over. No, I did not plan on ruining my life or yours. I’m sincerely sorry but it wasn’t me.

“Peyton, you have to stop listening to them. They are going to say some terrible things.” Jay gave me a bear hug and pulled me in close. The thing is, if felt like my brother giving me a hug, not my husband. There is no sparks, no attraction, just compassion.

“Thanks Jay.” And like that a mob of flashes starting going off to our right. Being yanked and thrown into a car, we sped off. Oh no.

“Sam, we have a problem. I gave Peyton a hug, and the press got a picture of it. Yes, thank you.”

How Jay had managed to make a phone call that fast is beyond me, but I know why. Tomorrow’s headlines were sure to be full of accusations that we were actually star-crossed lovers who were meant to be together. I hate cheesy shit like that.

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