Chapter 5

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Violet's POV
I was mentally a mess at the moment but I told myself to get it together. He let go of me and the front door opened.

"Those damn socs, always coming round' to taunt us", the voice boomed. I was facing Dallas and then he spoke again. "Oh, who's this", he asked. I slowly turned around and I felt my world pause and my uneasiness went away and fawned over the man before me. Tall, handsome, muscular, the hair. "Hello, I'm Violet", I stuttered reaching my hand out. He looked at me as if he was studying me. He slowly shook my hand. "Darrel", he said. I pulled my hand down. "That's the girl I was talking about yesterday", Johnny said looking over at Darrel. I tried to keep my composure but he was so damn perfect. "What, I can't tell you how much it means to me that a sweet girl like yourself helped out one of us", he said. I smiled, "I couldn't let him get beat up, so I thought I'd jump in", I said. His hard gaze turned into a soft smile. "Stay for dinner would ya", he asked. I nodded my head yes and he walked past me and into the kitchen. I finally let out a breath I held in. "That was so...", I trailed off. I sat back down next to Sodapop. "I think that went well, he probably was just staring because your hair is kick ass ya know", Two-Bit said still staring at the tv.

I leaned into the couch. Maybe he was, I thought.


Darrel made spaghetti for dinner and I ate a plate while the others pigged out. That was the first meal I ate in days. I grabbed my plate and walked to the sink and cleaned it. "Doll you ain't have to do that", Darrel said from behind me. I turned and smiled at him, "It's the least I can do, thanks for dinner Darrel", I said. I put the plate away and zipped up my jacket. "I have to go home, but it was nice meeting you guys", I announced. They all said bye and Darrel placed his hand on my shoulder. "I'll give you a ride", he suggested. "I'm fine, I appreciate the offer, my house is literally a street over", I giggled. He rubbed the back of his neck and watched as I left. "Be safe Violet", he said. "I will Darrel", I said. He smiled at me, "You can call me Darry", he said. I patted his arm. "Sure thing, bye now", I said walking out the door and taking the 5 minute walk back to my place.


I walked inside and my dad was passed out on the couch and I knew I would be in so much trouble in the morning.
I walked around the living room and cleaned everything and threw his empty cans away. I walked to the stove and made sure he didn't leave anything on.

Everything seemed fine so I decided to go to sleep. I walked inside my room and put on my pajamas and took off my makeup and earrings.

I plopped down on my bed and fell asleep instantly.
My sleep only seemed like it lasted an hour before I felt a hand punch me in the eye. I woke up and held onto my eye.

My dad looked pissed, I glanced at my window and it was already morning. Wow, the night went by fast. "You useless tramp, you didn't make me dinner, or get my beer", he shouted hitting me again. Soon he was full on attacking me and he dragged me out of my bed by my hair and into the hall. I screamed and I felt a kick to my stomach. "Dad I'm sorry, I promise I'll get it today", I screamed. He kicked me harder and harder and punched me multiple times. I felt blood drip down my nose and I cried because he probably broke my nose. He threw me against the floor and kicked me one last time. "Next time it'll be worse", he spat leaving me there as he went inside his room. I silently cried to myself, not wanting to get up, just lay there because I felt weak. I had school, and I didn't want to miss anything important. I managed to stand up and go back to my room. I stripped off my pajamas and walked inside my bathroom. There were big blotchy bruises already forming on my ribs and my nose was bleeding bad. I had quite the shiner on my eye. It wasn't swollen shut, which I could prevent. I looked horrible and I couldn't stop the tears from coming out. I took a warm shower and carefully washed myself.

After I was done I picked out some high waisted jeans, a black long sleeve crop top and my fancy corduroy shoes. I put on my leather jacket because I wanted to have more cushion just in case I bumped something. I think he broke one of my ribs, but I can tolerate a certain amount of pain. I sat down and used concealer to cover up my nose and eye. It looked like nothing happened, I then did my normal routine.

I grabbed my bag and headed off to school making sure to avoid my dad.


Today people still stared. Catcalling and hooting. I rolled my eyes and walked inside. I sped walked down the hallway and made it to my locker.

I opened it and put my things inside and I grabbed my textbook and started walking to class, because I knew the bell was going to ring. Speaking of the bell, it just went off. I opened the door to my class and took my seat in the back.

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