Chapter 4

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Violet's POV
"Violet saved me yesterday at the park. Damn there was three of them socs", Johnny said still traumatized. I patted his arm. "Wait, you're the girl he was talking about yesterday. The talk of the Curtis house", Ponyboy said with a big grin. "So pretty girl, what are you doing after school, you should come meet the rest of the gang", Two-Bit said excited. Fear sank in as I remembered what my dad told me earlier. "I don't know, I have lots to do after school", I said. Dallas put his blade away. "Ehh you saved Johnny, the others have to meet you, no buts", he said. Ok, I'm screwed but, I guess I can take the beating. I've put up with it for years now.

"You have some nice hair, Violet and Violet, how cool", Ponyboy said.

"You know you're the talk of the school", Dallas said leaning back on his chair. That blows, I don't like people, and I don't want to be confronted about how I am. "Why", I asked annoyed.

"Well passed the fact that you're very pretty, it's the hair, and clothes. Those shoes are killer by the way", Two-Bit said bending over and poking one. This made me laugh, "There's plenty of way better looking girls here I'm sure, better dressed, hair too", I mumbled feeling insecure. "I doubt it, you're a damn catch, all the guys are drooling over ya", Dallas said smirking at me. "I think I'm going to stop talking now", I said quietly turning around and waiting for this day to end.


I know I agreed to eat lunch with those girls but I so badly wanted to back out and I almost did before I heard them. "Hey, so we sit there", the blonde pointed to a table with those clean cut jocks from class. "Um I don't know, I never sit with people", I stuttered. They both linked their arms with me and walked me over. "Hey cutie", the same guy from history class said winking at me. I took a side note, avoid him after this. I took a seat and all the people there asked me questions left to right. "Wow, I love your wedges, How many inches", the strawberry blonde asked. "3 and a half", I said starting to get annoyed by all their questions that only consisted of my shoes. The guys just seemed so egotistical and jerky. "I actually have to get going, to find my last class, I'll see you around", I said, giving them no time to stop me.

If this is what school is going to be like then I'm screwed. I hate the people I just sat with and I feel like those greaser boys are 10x more relatable and likable.

The school day ended and lot's of people rushed past me to get outside and I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Oh Johnny", I said. "Come on the guys are waiting", he said.
I walked on over to the others and we walked down the street and cut across the park and walked down another street and came upon a cute little house. "This is mine and my brother's place, come on", Ponyboy gestured. I walked inside and I saw two guys watching tv. One had chocolate all over his mouth. They both looked over and the chocolate guy wiped his face quickly. "Damn guys, next time give a heads up if you're going to bring a pretty girl around", he hollered. I decided to introduce myself. "Haha thanks for the compliment", I said. He rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm Steve", he chuckled blushing. "And I'm Sodapop, Pony's brother", the other guy said jumping into the conversation. "Hi", I waved smiling. "You can sit, here", Soda said scooting over and patting the open space next to him on the sofa. I felt so nervous, especially around new people; which happened to be really good looking guys. I took a seat and crossed my legs. "Those are nice", Steve said tapping the bottom of my shoes.
"They must be hard to walk in", Soda added. I shook my head. "Nope, I can run in them too", I said. "Wow, that's rad", Two-Bit piped in.

I noticed they were kinda taking turns looking at me. I felt so self conscious and I wanted to disappear. "She saved me the other day guys. IT was funny, she kicked Bob Sheldon in the balls", Johnny laughed. Sodapop and Steve started hollering and laughing. I felt my cheeks burning up. "Damn Violet, I think we're going to be great friends", Sodapop said patting my arm. "You're a tough broad aren't you. Can't wait for Darrel to meet you", Steve said catching his breath. Now I was curious, "Um who's Darrel", I asked. "Our older brother, he should be coming any minute. He works at the DX with Steve and I", Sodapop said.

"I'll be back", Steve said getting up and walking into what I believe is the kitchen. "What's he getting", I asked. "Another piece of chocolate cake I'm assuming", Dallas said snickering as he took a seat on the floor. Ponyboy sat on the other side of Sodapop. Johnny sat next to Pony. Two-Bit turned on Mickey Mouse and I watched as all the guys got comfortable and I studied their behavior. All of them were unique in their own way. It put a smile on my face and I just felt so comfortable around them already. I looked at all the pictures on Ponyboy's wall and then glanced at the clock. My eyes widened, "I have to go, it's getting late", I stammered jumping up. Dallas grabbed my hand. "It's 5, calm down, having dinner with us won't kill you", he laughed.

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