Chapter 11: One Rule Broken

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I waited in front of my building but then decided that I shouldn't let Damian know where I live. I texted him and told him to pick me up at the nearby café. He replied with a simple OK. I was still pretty angry because of the unexpected visit from my awesome parents. Note the sarcasm. I held my mask in my hand, not wanting to get attention from people.

Who wears a mask on the street?

When I reached the café, I stood on the sidewalk with my hands crossed over my chest. I hated waiting. My phone started ringing in my bag, making me huff slightly. Let's just hope that's not some bad news again. I pulled my phone out of my bag and saw that it was my sister calling. Just as I slide the answer button, I saw Damian's SUV approaching.

"Hang on" I said in the phone and quickly put on my mask. Damian seemed to noticed where I was standing as he drove to where I was standing and motioned me to get in. Damn. I don't think I will get used to his sexy self. He was staring at me, waiting for me to get in the car. His one hand was on the steering wheel while the other one was motioning me to enter. I was probably standing there, staring at him like an idiot. I opened the door and slide in the car. Before he could speak, I put my finger on my lips to tell him to shut up. He rose his eyebrows on confusion, so I just pointed to my phone before bringing it to my ear. "Hey" I breathed in the phone. Damian's perfume was so intoxicating and manly.

"I heard the visit with our parent didn't go well" Alena said softly. I sighed and closed my eyes, trying to control my emotions. Today was a tiring day.

"Why didn't you tell me that they were coming?" I asked, my voice cold. I could hear Alena take a deep breath before she spoke.

"Athena" she sighed. I threw a side glance to Damian and saw that he was staring at the road, a frown on his face. "I want my wedding to be perfect. I want you guys to talk and all. I want everything to be like in the past. I know I'm being selfish and stupid" she said and by her tone, i knew that she was about to cry.

"The past" I breathed with a humorless chuckle. "If they hadn't fucked up royally, maybe everything would have been the same. They are telling me not to bring Thomas" I snapped, trying not to let my tears to fall. I mean, I was next to a sex God for God sake!

"They can't decide about that" Alena said. "I want Thomas here as well" she told me with finality in her tone. "I'm going to talk to them"

"And please, tell them I don't want them in my apartment again" I said with hatred.

"Will do. What are you doing?" she asked. I blanked. I didn't know what to say. I needed to lie. "I'm going to the library" I blurted out. Damian turned to gave me a smirk while staring at me in amusement. "Watch the road" I mouthed while rolling my eyes. He chuckled. He chuckled loud.

"Is that a guy I'm hearing?" Alena asked with a squeal making my eyes go wide. I glared at Damian who was soon driving in his alley.

"That was just some random dude" I said and exhaled in exasperation. "I'll call you later" With that, I ended the call and turned to look at Damian who had stopped the car in front of his mansion. "It was not necessary to chuckle" I mumbled. He shrugged and we both got out of the car.

"I don't know whether i love or I hate that mask" Damian said as we walked to the door. I shrugged and gave him a smirk.

"Isn't it exciting not to know the face of the woman you're fucking?" I asked with a teasing grin as he approached me with a smirk of his. He pushed me till my back was pressed against the wall next to the door. He rested his forehead against mine as he stared at my eyes.

"Really exciting " he said and pressed himself more into me, making me feel the hard on that he had. My eyes closed when I felt the clenched in my stomach as he pressed harder. "But I have a feeling that what's underneath the mask is more exciting" he whispered seductively, making me bit my lips to prevent a moan from escaping my mouth. I felt his hand wrapped itself around my wrist and he pulled away from me. He was breathing heavily. He started walking and I followed behind.

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