Chapter 15: Eat Food.

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Dinner was definitely more interesting than what I thought it would be and it turned out to be not what I was expecting. Right now I was sleeping in one of the guest room as I let Thomas sleep in my room. Well, I was not really sleeping, i was more like laying in bed and staring at the ceiling while thinking about Damian. That fucker finger fucked me while we were having dinner with our family. And I freaking loved it.

I decided to get out of bed as I wasn't feeling sleepy. I looked at the wall clock and groaned when I realized that it was eleven. I pulled the blanket off me. Goosebumps rose on my skin as soon as the chill air touched my naked skin. I was wearing a short and a crop top. I walked to my suitcase and pulled out my black Hoodie then threw it on me. It was so long that it even covered my short. Once my phone was in my pocket, I got out of the room and decided to go for a walk in the back garden. I remember how I would usually sit by the fountain and look at the sky.

Once I reached the huge back garden, I made my way to the fountain. A smile stretched on my face as I took in the statue that was just in its middle. The familiarity almost brought tears to my eyes but I quickly shook my head and took a deep breath. I walked nearer and took off my sandal before stepping in the cold water. I sighed and sat on the edge. I tilted my head to the sky and again, that smile crept on my face. Let's face it. I missed being here.

"What are you doing out here?" I jumped at the voice and clutched to my heart before turning to glare at my sex God.

"You scared the fuck out of me!" I exclaimed before closing my eyes and taking deep breath to calm myself.

"What are you doing out here?" he demanded again, making me open my eyes to glare at him. My breath hitched when I took in his appearance. Damian stood in front of me, wearing a tight fitting black shirt which would compliment his muscled body. He was wearing a blue jean and let me tell you that, I never really expected to see Damian Spears without his usual suit and tie. As my eyes trailed on him, I noticed the cigarette which was in his hand. He slowly, brought the cigarette to his lips while staring at me. "Done checking me out?" he then questioned with one perfect rose eyebrow.

"I wasn't checking you out" I lied as I crossed my arms over my chest. I smirked and i watched as his eyes raked over my body. He stared at my legs in appreciation. I felt beautiful when he would stare at me like that.

"What are you doing here?" he questioned again, his voice becoming a little deeper.

"I couldn't sleep" I muttered while turning back to the fountain and sitting back on the edge. "What about you?"

"I had work" he simply said. I heard shuffling behind me and soon, I felt him sit next to me. I turned to give him a smile and instantly shiver when I felt him so close. "Did you enjoy dinner?" he asked and my breath hitched as his hand wrapped itself around my waist. Just as I was about to answer, he lifted me and placed my on his lap.

"Damian. Someone might see" I breathed. Soon I shut up as he turned me around so that I was straddling him.

"Let them see" he said with a grin. I rolled my eyes and put my hands on his shoulder for support. "So how was dinner?" he questioned again.

"Memorable" I answered and we both chuckled. "You're so evil. What if someone saw you?" I asked while shaking my head.

"But no one did" he reasoned.

"How was dinner? " I asked him mischievously. His grip on my waist tightened and his beautiful gray eyes were hooded with lust.

"Disappointing" he said. I tilted my head to the left and stared at him in wonder before pouting.

"Why so?"

"I never tasted the food that was beside me" he said huskily as he thrust himself a little bit into me to make me feel the hard on that he was having. I threw my head the back and moaned at the feeling. "I should have put you on the table and spread your beautiful long legs. I would have eaten you out. I'm pretty sure it's better than any other kind of food" he breathed. I could hear the fucking control in his voice. It was as if it was taking all his will power not to take me right now. His words were making me squirm in need.

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