Chapter 16: Back With Slut.

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"Damian!" my sister's voice and the constant knocking, made me groan and I opened my eyes slowly to find Damian's sleeping. I smiled when I saw his arms around me, keeping me close to him. "Damian Fucking Spears!" this time, my eyes widened when I realized that my sister was standing in front of his door, knocking like a crazy women. I poked Damian in his chest, which only made him stir.

Damn. He sleeps like a dead person.

"Damian!" I whispered yell which made him open his eyes slowly. His gray eyes turned a few shades darker as he stared at me.

"I'm going to fucking break the door" Alena yelled, making me chuckle while Damian stared at the door questioningly.

"Honey, there's a child in the house now. Don't swear" I heard Dean's muffled voice from the door.

"I just need to know if he saw Athena!" Alena exclaimed in exasperation. Damian stared at me with amusement glimmering in his eyes.

"How is he supposed to know that? I mean, they never talked before" Dean said, probably knowing that I was in here.

"They were whispering to each other during dinner yesterday" Alena said. Damian groaned and moved the blanket off him, making me clutch to it harder as I was naked underneath. I quickly scanned the floor for my short and my concentration cut short as I rose my head to see Damian standing in front of me with only his boxer on. He was making his way to the door but then stopped to look at me.

"Stop staring. You look like a creep" Damian husky morning voice made me blushed deep red. He walked to me, ignoring my sister's knocking. He walked to me and wrapped his hand around the back of my neck before pulling me to him. He crashed his lips against mine, causing me to moan in his kisses. As he kissed me, there was only one thought in my mind.

How the hell can he not have morning breath?

I quickly pulled away and glared at him. I put my hands on my lips to stop him from kissing me again. "I have morning breath" I muttered. He shrugged and walked to the door.

"You do not" he said with a wink and then motioned me to shut up. I crept under the blanket again. I could heart him open the door then he stuck only his head to look at my sister and his brother. "What do you want?" he demanded coldly.

"Did you see Athena?" Alena questioned. I was already picturing her, crossing her arms over her chest while glaring at Damian.

"Who?" Damian asked, emotionless.

The girl hiding in your bed.

"My sister!" Alena exclaimed in exasperation. I rolled my eyes and bent over the bed to pick up my short which was just next to the bed, on the floor.

"How am I suppose to know that?" Damian asked, totally calm and unfazed by my sister's questioning. Instead of replying to Damian, I could hear my sister muttering to herself. She usually does that when she's anxious.

"What if she returned back home because of my parent?" I heard her say. I wanted to go out and reassure her that I wouldn't miss her wedding because of Shrek and Fiona but I stayed there, trying to put on my short without making a sound.

"I'm pretty sure she didn't go anywhere! You're overreacting! You know that Damian is Grumpy in the morning, he'll go all Hulk on us" I heard Dean sigh.

"I'm still here" Damian muttered before closing the door, without even waiting for their response. He turned to stare at me, with amusement still present in his eyes. "Your sister is annoying" he said and I quickly motioned him to shut up as maybe my sister was still there.

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