World War III - Chapter 8

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Special shout out to;


make sure you check out her story (major mishaps of my life!)

It is really awesome and one of my faves on wattpad.

Chapter 8


I opened my eyes and saw she had her eyes shut and her lips pouted. Perfect, I thought. I stopped voice recording and switched my phone to camera mode. As she leaned in closer, I took a picture. The camera's shutter tone went off and Adele zapped her eyes open. I grinned.

She looked pissed. I thought she would rip my head off any second.

"Did you actually think I would kiss you?" I asked.

She didn't reply. She just stared daggers at me. I took a few steps back.

"I'll send you another friend's request just in case you wanna watch the video I'll make," I said as I walked away.

Part of me actually wondered what would have happened if I had kissed her. What would she have tasted like? How would her lips have felt against mine? I turned back to look at her but she wasn't there. How did she disappear so fast? I shook my head and continued walking to my house.

Once I got inside, I dodged all the boxes and went into my room. I slammed the door shut and turned my laptop on. I clicked on Moviemaker and uploaded the voice recording and the picture. I looked at the picture. She looked familiar. She seemed...kind of cute. It was like I had seen those luscious lips pouted before. Ew, did I say luscious? I meant, disease infested lips. I worked on it for no more than ten minutes then uploaded the final piece onto Facebook. I sent Adele another friend's request. She accepted almost immediately. I laughed and decided I might as well check out my pictures on her account.


I accepted his friend request immediately. I clicked on his account and saw that Mr. Egotistical had a new video uploaded. I took a deep breath and pressed 'Play'.

A black screen came up. Then in white letters it wrote;

'If you think Adele Lynx hates me....'

Those words faded out and then a new set of words came up;

'...then think again!'

Then my voice came out.

"Ethan! I didn't mean to hurt you. I guess...I'm..sorr....reee."

My eyes nearly popped out. He had recorded my voice? Then it hit me. He had recorded my voice! The video continued. The words written in white came up again.

'You'd think her apology was enough, right?'

Oh, no! I knew what was coming next. Those words faded out and a group of new words popped up.

'But not for her. Next thing I knew, she tried to kiss me!'

Those words were replaced by;

'Don't believe me? Here's the proof...'

Then the picture of me with my eyes shut and lips pouted was shown. Okay, I had posed like I was about to kiss someone before but this was different. As if that weren't enough, my voice was played again.

I was staring at the screen with my face on it and my voice saying, "Ethan! I didn't mean to hurt you. I guess...I'm..sorr....reee." Eventually, it ended. I scrolled down to look at the comments.

'I wish I had those lips....'

'dude, if I were u, I wud have f**ked her brains out right der n then!'

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