Chapter 3

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*Ashlee’s POV*

“Can everyone come downstairs please?” I called up the stairs.

Within the next two minutes all of the girls were downstairs and sitting on the couch. I stood up in front of them.

“Alright, does anybody have any ideas?” I wondered.

Michelle stood up and I found myself staring at her in disbelief. She was really shy and she wasn’t really known to take a lead in big things.

“Alright Mitchy, you have the floor,” I said and sat down on the couch.

*Michelle’s POV*

“Okay, so we know that the guys changed AFTER they got popular, right?” I asked.

“Yeah,” they all agreed.

“Alright, so what I think is that we should get the guys away from the fame and bring them somewhere where it’s only us and them. We need to bring them back where they came from and teach them a lesson. Show them that they were perfectly happy just with us as girlfriends and with half of the fame that they have now.”

There was no response and I just stared at them.

“That’s a great idea,” Angel finally said.

“Yeah, that’s a really good idea,” Vicky agreed.

“I third that!” Ashley added.

I smiled. This was going to be great!

*Later that day– Dominique’s POV*

The girls and I planned to make a surprise visit at the guys’ house early tomorrow morning. We were going to go to bed after we packed the trucks and wake up around 3 o’clock to leave. They weren’t going to see this coming at all. I laughed to myself. Wow Dominique, snap out of it, you’re starting to sound evil. I snapped out it and walked up to my room to pack my bag. We’d be gone for a while.

*10 o’clock that night – Holly’s POV*

We all packed up the trucks and we were ready. Now we were going to go to bed. I walked up to my room and found Ashlee already sound asleep in her bed. I changed and snuggled up under the blue covers. Then I drifted off.

At 3 o’clock in the morning, the only sounds in the house you could hear were the alarm clocks screeching and the girls groaning at them. I laughed and jumped out of bed. I ran into the bathroom and took a shower. After we were all finished, it was already 4 o’clock. Ashlee drove her black escalade which could hold 8 people including herself. Vicky drove her silver GMC Yukon XL which held 7 people including herself and Katie drove her navy blue suburban which held 8 people including herself. We’d have enough space for us and the guys and we’d have 3 seats to spare

*Angel’s POV*

We arrived at the guys’ house and quietly got out of the cars. We knew that the front door would be locked so we had no choice but to knock. Jayk answered the door in his boxers. I could see Katie stand up straight out of the corner of my eye.

“What do you want?” he moaned, scratching the back of his head.

Katie stepped in front of me and took over the situation. “Get your lazy @$$ up and go get ready. We’re leaving and we’re not telling you where we’re going. Be down here in an hour,” she instructed.

“Since when were you the boss of me?” he asked.

“Since now, go!”she ordered.

“Ugh, fine!” He stomped upstairs and we all laughed.

“Girls, go get your guy up. And no kissing!” Ashlee told them.

All of the girls took off in different directions once they got upstairs. I followed the hallway to the end and opened up the door to David’s room. He was cuddled up on his bed underneath the black covers, his head not on the purple pillows laying there. I giggled to myself and walked over. I poked him; no response. I poked him again. He twitched and I laughed. I shook him and he finally opened up his eyes. He shot up once he saw me.

“Angel?” he asked, rubbing his eyes.

“Hi David. Get up and be downstairs in an hour,” I told him and walked out of the door.

*Ashley’s POV*

Once José sat up in his bed, he pulled me down so I was sitting next to him. He placed his hand under my chin and smiled at me.

“Ashley…” he whispered and brought his lips closer to mine.

It took everything I had not to kiss him and to stand up.

“Be ready and downstairs in an hour,” I said and smiled at him before I walked out of the door.

If I would’ve let him kiss me, I would’ve automatically forgiven him. I couldn’t do that. I needed to stay strong for the girls and help them out with this. That’s all that mattered at the moment.

An hour later all of us were downstairs sitting on either the couch or the floor and looking at Ashlee and Michelle who were standing in front of us. They were pretty much the leaders of this.

“Alright guys, you need to go upstairs and pack as much as you can in two bags. We’re going somewhere for a while,” she said.

They got up and did what she said. Then they came back downstairs. We grabbed their bags and got into the cars. Renee, Brittany, Jayk, Bobby, and AG went with Katie. Angel, Michelle, Holly, David, Drew, and TC went with Ashlee. Chris, Dominique, Ashley, Jose, Justin and Thomas went with Vicky. And we were off to the place where we’d finally initiate our plan.


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