Chapter 14

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*Angel’s POV*

David pushed the covers off of himself and stepped out of the bed. He was wearing a pair of sweatpants and no shirt. I giggled and he turned around.

He laughed. “You’re awake?” he asked. “Well, good morning to you too.”

“You need to stop doing that to me,” I giggled again and leaned out of the bed to get a kiss. He leaned down and kissed me.

“Stop doing what?” he smirked.

“Stop being so attractive and stop having amazing abs.”

“Would you rather me be ugly and fat?” he laughed once more.

“NO!” I shrieked and laughed. “I like this. I like it a lot.”

“Well, I’m glad because that’s what you’re going to have to deal with as long as we’re together.”

“Which will be forever if I can help it,” I added.

“Oh, I can help it too.”

“Can you now?” I questioned.

“Maybe,” he said, grabbing my hips and lying with his torso on mine. He kissed me.

*Brittany’s POV*

AG and I walked down the stairs for breakfast and just my luck, I interrupted Ashley and José’s make out session.

“Why does this always happen to me?” I complained.

“You never complain when we do that,” AG smirked and raised his eyebrows. He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me into his chest. He always smelt so good. I looked up at him and kissed him. “See? Exactly my point.”

“Shut up,” I said and smacked him on the chest.

“Hey, hey, gently, gently,” he said. “You’re going to want to see that someday.”

“Shut up,” I repeated with a laugh and rolled my eyes.

“You make me laugh,” he responded and let go of me, kissing me one last time. But I just pulled him right back to me and wrapped my arms around his neck. I continued to kiss him until we were interrupted.

“GET A ROOM!” Ashley laughed.

“Wow, I never thought that you would have to say that to me. You and José are the only couple in the house who’ve…”

“Alrighty then!” Ashley yelled over me, trying to change the subject.

I laughed. “Just stating the truth girl,” I said and grabbed AG’s hand. We walked into the kitchen and were greeted by the smell of bacon and eggs.

*Dominique’s POV*

Justin was behind me trying to help me crack an egg. I knew how to do it, but he insisted that I didn’t. I think it was just an excuse for him to be close to me.

“Justin, babe, I can do it by myself!” I giggled.

“Nope, I’m pretty sure you can’t,” he laughed.

“You know, if you want an excuse to get close to me then you should just tell me. I’ll make it an objective,” I smirked.

He blushed. God, he was so adorable when he was shy like this. Shouldn’t it be the opposite way around when the guy makes the girl blush? I still found it cute. We were complete opposites, but somehow we were still perfect for one another. I kissed him and then it seemed like all of his shyness rushed away. That’s what we did to one another. We opened each other up. I kissed him over and over again until Britt and AG walked into the room.

“Gross, we don’t want your kissing juice all over our food,” AG commented.

“Shut up AG,” I said and slapped him.

“Ow! What is it with everyone abusing me today? First Britt and now you? God, what does it take to get some love around here?”

“You just got plenty of love in the living room,” Britt told him.

“Not enough,” he smirked and they kissed again.

“Don’t get your kissing juice all over our food,” I mocked AG. He pulled away from Britt and stuck his tongue out at me. I laughed.

“Where is everybody?” I questioned.

“Who cares? It gives us more time to be alone,” Justin said, wrapping his arms around my waist and putting his head on my shoulder. Then he looked at Britt and AG. “Well, partially alone at least.”

“Hey, be happy we’re here. If AG wasn’t here, One Call wouldn’t be a band!” Brittany exclaimed.

“Ah, we could make it without him,” Justin laughed.

“HEY, I TAKE OFFENSE TO THAT!” AG yelled. I giggled.

“Just kidding, dude, I love you. Come here,” he held out his arms for a hug.

“No way José. Haha, get it? José? Anyways, we’re dudes. Dudes don’t hug.”

“Then what do we do?” Britt asked.

“WE hug. Dudes don’t hug ONE ANOTHER.”

“Oh, okay, whatever,” she said and shrugged.

*Michelle’s POV*

“Chris! Psst! Chris!” I whispered as I shook him awake.

He suddenly sat up and hit his head. “Huh? What? What happened?” I laughed.

“Nothing happened silly. You hit your head on the freaking bunk bed. It’s morning and I can smell breakfast, so let’s go,” I said.

“Aww, do we have to?” he asked, pulling me down so I was lying with him. “I’d rather just stay here all day with you. And anyways, my head hurts too bad to get up.”

“Aww, I’m sorry,” I kissed his forehead. “Does it feel better now?”

“I don’t know. Why don’t you really kiss me?” he smirked.

I pecked him on the lips and he smirked again.

“Oh yeah, I feel A LOT better now,” he replied and stepped out of bed.

He took my hand and we slowly made our way to the kitchen. We walked in and everyone was sitting with their boyfriends or girlfriends and eating. We were all like a big happy family again. That made me even happier than I already was.


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