Chapter 13

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*Renee’s POV*

After all that drama, I’d brought Bobby up to my room with me. I just had to get away from it all. I was lying down on my bed with my head on his chest. He kissed the top of my head and stroked my hair.

“What’re you going to do? Your career is in major jeopardy,” I said.

“No, not really. Glenn is as @$$. He can’t do much. He’s all talk. And plus, we have Chase. He didn’t get fired. He’s a good guy. And don’t worry about it babe. It’s not your problem. At the moment, all I’m worried about is keeping you and I together,” he replied and kissed me.

I kissed him back and then pulled away. “You really HAVE changed, haven’t you?”

“Yes and I did it for you. I’d do anything for you because you’re my girl.”

*Holly’s POV*

Drew and I were cuddling on the couch. I was sitting between his legs and he had his arms wrapped around me. Just a typical day in the girls’ house. Well except for the fact that there were paparazzi basically living outside of our house.

Then interrupting my fave show, 16 and Pregnant, the TV flashed to MTV News. The first thing I noticed was Varsity Fanclub’s, Thomas’, and One Call’s pictures.

“GUYS! GET YOUR @$$e$ DOWN HERE! YOU’RE ON TV!” I screamed upstairs and everybody came running down.

We watched the report:

Reporter: Breaking news! We’re here today with Varsity Fanclub and One Call’s managers! They say they have some juicy secrets for us!

Glenn: Oh, we sure do! *smirks*

Reporter: Alright, why don’t you tell us?

Christopher: AG Gamlieli hates old people

“WHAT? WHAT? NO!” AG yelled at the TV.

“They can’t hear you babe,” Brittany laughed and kissed him.

Reporter: ….Okay, then. Another?

Glenn: Bobby Edner judges people by what they wear and Drew Ryan Scott is obsessed with Pepsi.

Christopher: José Bordonada secretly loves Miley Cyrus because of her show. He’s got a weird obsession with it.

Reporter: Wow…alright. Um, from MTV News this is Kara Dacey.

Right as they cut off we heard her say, “Wow, these guys are so stupid.”

We all laughed at the TV. Chris and Glenn’s plans had blown up in their faces. They didn’t know anything secret about us because we hadn’t let them get that close to us. Those were the stupidest things I’ve ever heard. I mean, they were true, but they were more embarrassing and stupid then they were damaging.

“That women was right. They ARE stupid. Looks like we’ll be out of this in no time,” Drew said and kissed me. “We’ll have our women and life will be goooooooooood.”

I laughed at him. He was so freaking adorable. Why did I have to be so in love with him? What this kid did to my heart was unbelievable. That’s why I love him.

*Ashlee’s POV*

TC and I were still laughing over how stupid his manager was. This whole thing was ridiculous. This day is just getting better and better.

“We need to get going,” David said. “It’s late. And anyways, all of us need to get some sleep after this night.”

“Awww, do you have to go?” I complained to TC. “Can’t you guys stay the night? We have plenty of rooms. We can do what we did at the cabin.”

“Sounds good to me,” TC smirked and kissed me.

I blushed. “No TC. We’re sleeping,” I laughed.

“Fine…” he sighed and then whispered to himself. “What’s it gonna take?”

“It’s gonna take a lot. Sorry,” I giggled and we walked up to my bedroom. Holly and Drew followed after us.

*Katie’s POV*

Jayk and I weren’t tired so we’d stayed up watching a movie while everyone else went to sleep. I swear to god that we both are insomniacs. When it was over, we quietly made it up the stairs and opened up the door. I could hear Bobby snoring and Renee was obviously already asleep, so I silently got under the covers and Jayk snuggled up next to me. I closed my eyes and next thing I knew, Jayk was tickling me. I squirmed and giggled.

“Jaykie, stop!” I laughed, trying to be quiet which was failing.

“Maybe I don’t wanna,” he smirked and kept tickling my sides. He pulled me closer into a kiss. I giggled when he pulled away.

“God, you’re such a flirt. I can’t believe the things you do just to kiss me. You know, it could be a lot simpler if you just came close to my lips.”

“I know, but I like working for my kisses. I don’t deserve to be kissed after what I did to you.”

“Well, I don’t care anymore. And, I’m not going to just wait for a kiss. I can’t survive that long.”

“Sorry, but you’re going to have to. I’m going to make you suffer.”

“No you’re not,” I said and kissed him. He gave in and kissed me. Then he pulled away.

“Yes I am. Now go to bed. I love you,” he said and wrapped his arm around my waist.

“I love you too.” I snuck another kiss and then turned around so I wasn’t facing him anymore. And I fell asleep.

*The next morning – Ashley’s POV*

Brittany and AG were still sleeping when José and I woke up. We walked downstairs and sat on the couch in each other’s arms. His arms around me always made me feel safe and loved, which I knew I was when I was with him. He reminded me of that every day.

I turned around on the couch and sat crisscross apple sauce in front of him, smiling.

“What?” he laughed.

“I love you,” I responded and kissed him.

He smiled when we pulled away.

“Where’d all this come from?” he asked.

“My heart. It explodes whenever I’m around you. Do you feel the same?”

“Of course sweetie. Why would you even ask that?”

“I don’t know,” I shrugged.

He pulled me onto his lap and kissed me. He looked me in my eyes.

“You never have to ask that again. I’ll love you until I die. And when I die, I’ll wait for you in heaven,” he said.

A tear escaped from my eye. That was so sweet.


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