[3] Kidnapped

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These people stuck around for almost a week before they packed up and left. By day 2, the woman who I knew was someone names "Price" left after no one could get a trace of me. Other stayed behind in case I came back, but I had enough food for the days that I stayed up there.

"Nothing?" The man asked after the search group emerged from the forest.

"Nothing, Sir. Maybe she has an ability relating to that." Someone offered. By what I've gathered by all the gossiping that they all do, I have... abilities? I wasn't completely sure and my emotional being wasn't secure at the moment. I still couldn't sleep because every time I closed my eyes, all I would see was my dad's face. Raw emotion was showing on his face, as he took his final breath in his life.

"Price said that we should go. SHIELD probably has her already, and we would've heard about her in the news if she was dangerous." The leader tells the other guys, sounding demanding.

"Alright. I'll start up the jet." One voice says.

"I'll pack everything." another pipes up. They walk away and I lay on my back, relieved that they were finally leaving. It only took about half an hour until the jet was gone and my house was now deserted. For extra caution, I waited an extra 15 minutes and when I heard nothing, I came down.

Carefully, I walk back into the house and push on the door, making it creak with a low moan. I peek in and see no one, so I finally let myself enter, and I look around. The house looked spotless. And by spotless, I mean everything was gone. None of my furniture laid in the living room anymore, all our family portraits and my school certificates were off the walls, our 3 year old couch that I almost slept on every night was gone, and the fireplace was clean of black and dull. They took everything.

I ran into the kitchen and fell to my knees. My dad's body was now a black pile of dust. Why they hadn't cleaned him up? I have no idea. Where was my mum? Did they take her too? So many questions and my mind was running with the most energy I could give it. I was sleep deprived, hungry and upset and all of this was not contributing to make me feel any better than I could be.

I leave the kitchen, not wanting to see the black dust at my feet and walk into our bathroom. Spotless and expected, but the water was still on. I cupped my hands and filled them up with some water, splashing it up and rubbing the dirt off my face.

"What's happening to me." I cry out, keeping my palms at my eyes, but a sound behind me makes me bolt to the door, stopping when I see an arm.

"Hey honey."

I push the random man back into the bath tub, his knees hitting the lifted sides and I open the door. I try to run out to the tree house, but outside about 20 people wearing black suits surrounded me.

"Miss Williams. Please relax, we just want to help." A man shouts from about 40 feet away. I was shaking in my shoes, my hands clenched at my sided and I was gritting my teeth with as much force as I could. Didn't they think I had enough? They took my family, they took my home and now they're taking my rights? I swear to all things on this earth, they aren't going to bring me down without a fight.

I don't know what happened after that. For some reason, the sand under all our feet began to lift up into the air, pushing against each other to become a large ball. My hands were out stretched towards it and when I jerked them, the ball went flying into soldiers.

"Guns ready." I hear a shout. I was waving my hands around me madly, was I controlling this? Can it protect me? Is it a weapon?" A sharp jab erupts in my side and I look down to see a bright blue bullet. I immediately collapse, seeing blurry figures surrounding my body.

"Sorry little girl, but we'll teach you to be normal."


The next time I gained consciousness, I felt my hands bound behind my back, the metal cuffs digging harshly into my skin. I was laying down on a hard metal surface, and was rocking to and fro gently, as if I was in a car. I opened my eyes a tiny bit, and saw a couple of guys sitting silently, guns on their laps and ready to use. I sat up quickly and tried to stand, falling down when I see that my feet are bound too. A pop sound comes from my knee and I groan loudly, seeing the large lump underneath the skin of my knee. I had dislocated it. Tears begin to pool in my eyes and I see one of the agents roll his eyes.

"What a baby." I hear him mumble, very quietly. I try to stop the tears, but they come unintentionally. I was in pain physically, mentally and emotionally, I felt like I was completely broken at that moment.

"We're pulling up to the base. Ready the package." The guy I was initially sitting next to pulls me up into his harms, carrying me like a baby. I didn't complain nor did I fight knowing that it wouldn't get me anywhere.

I'm taking through numerous rooms, each time the guys scanning a card to open up the door. The next thing I know, I'm in a nurse's office type room, a lady wearing all white already at the silver bed waiting for me.

"Hello Miss Williams, I'm Agent White. I'll fix up your knee as quickly as I can. Now can you tell me if you're on any medication?" I shake my head, sniffling and letting out a scared cry when she touched my knee.

"Please don't hurt me." I babble out, not wanting this to happen. She was going to drug me and hurt me. Agent White shushes me.

"No, honey. I'm just going to pop your knee back into place. I promise. It'll take 2 seconds ok, hold onto this." She passes me a giant stress ball and I grab onto it, squishing it tightly.

"On the count of three," She says. "One- Two." before three and when I wasn't expecting her to do it, she pushed my leg and my joint was correctly in place. I let out a scream and begin to cry again. This was worse than that time I broke my nose, and THAT was painful.

"I'm sorry sweetie..." I hear the nurse whisper, pushing the loose strands of hair behind my ear. The door opens again, and a tall woman with black hair and a fancy outfit comes in.

"Miss Williams. We've been looking for you. I'm Agent Price." She comes over and sits in a chair placed next to the hospital bed. She sits silently until my crying begins to quieten and I was just hiccupping.

"What do you want? I want to go home." I tell her.

"You don't have a home anymore." She tells me bluntly. "Stop being such a baby, you're 15 so act like it." I look at her, my eyes wide-open with sadness and hurt.

"I don't know-"

"You don't know what? Listen, you weren't brought here to talk. Currently we're getting your new home ready for you but we've run into a little problem. You're dangerous enough as it is, and we can't have you acting this emotional because you'll kill us. Calm down." She tells me in a firm but calm voice. "We'll move you into a cell after your knee is wrapped." She leaves the room and I take a deep breath, looking at the floor. Agent White wraps my knee silently and she knocks on the door three times when she's done. 2 large agents come in, their muscles almost ripping their shirts. If I wasn't so confused and upset, I would probably take a second look at them despite how old they are.

The two of them walk on both sides of me, walking slowly so my knee wouldn't hurt as much.

"Do you want me to carry you." One of them sighs after a while, stopping. I shake my head, hiding my face behind my hair. The guy sighs again and picks me up.

"No. Put me down, please." I raise my voice, but he ignores me. I try to wiggle out of his burly arms but he keeps his pace. Soon enough, I'm put into a concrete room with 1 wall missing. I'm put inside and the two men walk out, pressing a button of some sorts.

"Miss Williams, if you dare try to escape, you will be shocked with the invisible electric wall that's placed right in from of you. I wouldn't step a toe out of line, literally," They walk away and I slide down the wall in the corner of the room.

I was now well and truly alone.

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