Chapter 3

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That night, you were having trouble as to what you should get the three newbies for dinner. Since they were new and you didn't really know them, you wanted to at least try to be nice and get something really good for them. However, they didn't seem to be on agreeable terms because the twins were arguing as to what they should eat while Vision was standing by, eating a Hot Pocket.

"Well I think we should try the shawarma!" Said Pietro.

"But I don't want shawarma, I want to try sushi!" Said Wanda.

"I'm rather enjoying this Hot Pocket. You two should definitely consider consuming this interesting sustenance." Said Vision, intently studying the Hot Pocket.

"Or you can have chimichangas." Said a red suited guy out of no where, you and the three just looking at him.

"Deadpool. DEADPOOL. I can't BELIEVE the author just said 'red suited guy', I'm more than that, fucking shit. I'm a bad ass shit head. And how am I in New York all of a sudden? Author just decides to drag me into this freakshow, how lovely. What a big fucking-"

"LANGUAGE" Said Steve from the doorway. You and the three were still staring at Deadpool, wondering what he was blabbering about and stuff. Well, Pietro was actually just laughing.

"Whatever, I'm out." Deadpool said, then went towards the elevator to leave.

Everyone was silent for awhile. Until the elevator doors opened and Deadpool walked back in.

" I can't leave, the author wants me here. I mean I guess. But I seriously think that you guys should get chimichangas."

"Okay, but who even are you?" You said.

He sighed. " I told you. I'm Deadpool."

"I believe she means your name." Said Wanda.

" You want to know everything? Fine. I'm Wade Wilson and I was like experimented on and it hurt like a bitch and FRANCIS made me ugly. Oh and you, white hair guy, you aren't even supposed to be here because in reality you're d-"

You interrupted Wade. "I just wanted your name, not a whole background story..."

"Rude." He said.

"Well, any ideas as to what is going to be for dinner?" Steve asked you.

You had to take a moment because he was wearing black sweats and a tight blue t-shirt that just brought out his eyes perfectly.

"How about a fondue night?" suggested Tony, who apparently was behind Steve for quite some time.

"U-um.. f-fondue?" Steve blushed furiously, even his ears turned pink.

"Yeah, you know, bread and cheese." Tony shrugged.

"O-oh" Steve's blush decreased alittle. But when he looked at your confused face, he blushed again and said, "Well call me when you guys have decided.."

He then rushed to the elevator, on his way to his room.

"So, Tony, what's up with that thing you said you were working on?" You asked, walking over to the bar and raiding the mini fridge.

"Oh, I'm almost done. I'm going to test it tonight."

"What exactly is it that you're testing?" Said Pietro, peeking behind you in hopes of finding some food in the mini fridge.

"Top secret. You guys will see. Anyway, I'm going back to my lab. You guys go get some take out or something." Said Tony and he left the room.

"Well. You can't go wrong with chimichangas." Said Wade, getting comfortable at the couch.

"Uh, excuse me. We don't know you, so please step away from the furniture." You said.

Vision was examining the mini fridge, marveling at its ability to sustain such cold temperatures at all times.

"You don't happen to have a unicorn toy lying around, do you? I need to take care of some business." Wade said, crossing his legs and reaching for the remote.

"No there's no unicorns." You said.

"Any crack?" He asked.

"Any cra- no, listen. You need to go, we don't know you." You said.

"You think the asshat writing this has the motivation to send me out when I just got in? She's lazy, man!"

"He's talking crazy." Whispered Pietro.

"Hey, I heard you Mr. Speedy McSpeed. Anyway, are you guys going out for food or not, because I'm hungrier than a Hungarian stranded in the mountains of Xerxes!"

"Is that even a real-, Mr. Pool, you're not making any sense right now." You said, getting really angry at his stubbornness.

"It doesn't matter if I'm making any sense, I'm cute." He said.

"Ugh, whatever. Guys we're going out for shawarma-"

"IN YOUR FACE, WANDA!" Yelled Pietro.

"..... and let's go. Vision come on."

To your disappointment, Deadpool followed. You made a mental note to report this to Fury and see if he has any knowledge on who this guy is.

On the way down the crowded elevator, Pietro just couldn't stand still. He was moving to the left and to the right, asking every second when you guys were going to be out of the elevator.

Vision was standing still as stone. Well, almost. He slightly moved his head back and forth to the elevator music.

Wanda's stomach growled in the silence and she put her arms over her stomach. "Sorry." She said.

Deadpool was cleaning his gun.

"Can you put that thing away?" You asked.

"Wow, first time. Girls never tell me that."

You almost slapped him for his sexual innuendo.

Finally, the elevator doors opened. That was the longest elevator ride in your life.

You stepped outside into the busy night of New York streets, ready to ask Deadpool to remove his mask, until you heard a loud bang coming from the sky.

(Mr. Fergalicious Deadpool aka Obama's slave: How convenient.)

You all looked up to see a large, wormhole like thing coming from the top of the Avengers Tower and to the sky.

"What in the world?!" You yelled.

Then you all, including some citizens, ran for cover as a ship came through the wormhole from the sky and was on its way to crash land on the streets.

As it was coming nearer, you realized you weren't fast enough, as Pietro had carried Wanda and got of radar, Vision flew and Deadpool was just plain faster than you.

Vision was on his way to save you, but it was too late. The ship crashed into the Avengers Tower, harming just about a dozen large windows and landing on the streets, crushing empty cars. You took your chance and jumped in hopes of getting a bit farther from the wreck.

Luckily, Pietro was much faster than Vision and got to you in time before you were crushed.

You, Pietro, and some other citizens lay on the ground, covered in dust.

The ship's door opened and you all marveled at the sight before you.

"I am Groot"

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