Chapter 4

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"TOOONNNYYY!!" You yelled, squeezing yourself out of the really overcrowded elevator.

The beings that crash landed looked so bewildered to be there. Right then, you knew that this had to be Tony's experiment. So you went up to the five newcomers, telling them you can offer answers. You led them inside the Avengers tower, and that was basically what happened up until now.

Tony nervously poked his head from the corner of the entrance to the hall, giving a nervous smile.

"H-hello. How's everyone tonight?" He said.

"Tony, what the hell?! What was that?!" You yelled.

He stepped out from behind the wall and laughed nervously. "I-I uh... I was working on a sort of portal thing, like Thor's rainbow bridge, so you know we can go visit Thor and help him if he ever needed it. The only problem is that it wasn't supposed to bring anything in or out yet."

"Well, something went right for you because it seemed to be a tremendous success!" You were so angry with this whole situation.

"Uh... yeah, who are they?" Tony gestured toward the five newbies.

The man who looked human stepped up. "Uh, yeah, hi I'm Peter, Peter Quill. And this is Gamora," he gestured to the green woman, "Rocket", gestured to the raccoon, "Drax" gestured to the.. huge man.. "and last but not least, Groot."

"Yeah, I know, he introduced himself when you guys crash landed here." You said.

" I am Groot." Said the tree man a.k.a. Groot.

"Yes, I know, nice to meet you Groot, I am (y/n)." You stepped up to shake Groot's hand and he lightly shook it.

"I am Groot."

"Yes, we know, hi." Said Pietro, apparently looking very frustrated.

" I am Groot."

"YES, WE KNO-" yelled Tony, but was cut off by you throwing a vase at him.
"Don't yell at him! He's adorable!"

Tony shrugged. "Sorry."

Rocket scoffed. "I'm sorry, did you say 'adorable'?! Groot is a fearsome, most terrifying being known in the galaxy!"

You gave Rocket a skeptical look, because, at the moment, Groot was picking up the flowers and dirt that were inside the vase you threw and was eating them, looking very pleased.

"Well anyway, it's nice to meet you all." You said, looking at each and every one of them.

"Yes, although our encounter with you is most pleasing, we would like to know if there is anyway you can send us back to where we were." Said Gamora.

At this, you looked at Tony for answers.

"Uh, the thing is that right after my machine's success... it exploded." He said.

Deadpool laughed. "How typical."

"At which planet have we arrived in, being?" Drax asked you.

"Uh, Earth." You replied.

"AHA! A human, just like you!" Boasted Drax to Peter, clapping him in the back and almost making him fall forward.

"I'm half human, Drax, but okay." Said Peter. He went walking around, investigating all the technology and poking at some of it. "I gotta say, I missed out on alot. This stuff looks great! Where do you listen to music?"

Tony smirked. "Friday, play some of my happy tunes."

"Right away, boss." Friday replied, making the five space people jump.

Peter, however, recovered fairly quickly and, with a smile, went to speak with Tony about this technology, all while Black Sabbath played in the background.

You looked at them disapprovingly, especially at Tony who was supposed to be providing answers.

"Tony, focus! Can you fix the machine?" You asked.

Tony ignored you and kept talking to Peter. Peter, however, shifted his attention to you, occasionally looking from Tony to you.

"Uh, I think she's trying to tell you something, Tony." He said, clearly seeing that you were about to explode.

"Who knew someone so sweet-looking could be so terrifying." whispered Pietro to Wanda.

Tony looked at you with frustration, unhappy that you 'interrupted' his conversation. "What?"

"Can you fix the machine?" You asked.

Tony scoffed. "Of course I can. Who do you think I am, a blonde?"

You fumed. "Excuse you, Tony, but I know many blondes in shield that are ten times smarter than you! And nicer."

"Geez, I was just joking. Yes I can fix the machine. There. A happy, simple answer." He gave a fake smile.

You rolled your eyes.

"So when can you have it ready?" Gamora asked.

"Well, to get all the pieces together, plus rebuild other pieces and buy more pieces because the nuclear reactors were absolutely disintegrated..... I'd say about six months."

"But you built that thing in less than a month." Said Wanda.

"Uh, no, I completed the rest of it in less than a month but I had gotten started on it about six to seven months ago."

"So we are stranded in Earth for six months ?!" raged Drax.

"Uh.. yeah... sorry." Said Tony, shrinking a little as Drax rounded up on him.

"Well isn't this just lovely. Where are we supposed to stay?" Rocket asked.

"Well, right here, of course. Tony will provide for you while you stay." You said.

" I will?!" Tony asked, very alarmed about the preposition that wasn't even offered by his consent.

"Yes, you will." You replied, giving Tony a death glare.

"I guess I'll show you all to your rooms." Tony mumbled, sulking away towards the hallway.

"Wait, what about my ship?" Peter asked.

You looked at Tony.

"Well, since it doesn't fit here, I can bring some people to take the pieces to the new Avengers facility and have it fixed there." Tony said.

Peter nodded. "Alright. Sounds good, I guess. So, how about the pretty lady here shows us to our rooms." Peter winked at you.

You scoffed. "I'm not interested."

Peter sighed. "Damn. Well what about you?" Peter flashed a sexy grin in Wanda's way.

"No thank you." Wanda said, walking past Peter to sit on the couch.

You noticed that Vision had tensed up, but was now loosened and looked at ease. He accompanied Wanda to the couch.

"I'm available." Said Deadpool, sliding in front of Peter, laying on his side and posing.

"Uh... no thank you." Peter said, looking anywhere but at Deadpool.

Gamora smirked. "That's what you get for being a lustful, shameless man."

Peter shrugged.

"I said I'll show you to your rooms."
As Tony passed you, you heard him mumble under his breath "I'm sexy too."

You giggled then looked around at everyone. "Well it's been a very hectic day. I'm going to bed." Then you set off to your room.

Pietro and Deadpool stood there helplessly, watching you as you walked away.

"But..." said Pietro, looking heartbroken.

"The food..." continued Deadpool, feeling crushed.

Mission Dummy II: The Fault in Our Starks (Avengers x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now