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I first fell in love when I was in 6th grade.

Summer was over. As a kid, I didn't had many friends. My main pal was Ian. Ian had been with me for the longest time and knew the minute I laid eyes on the most prettiest girl that ever lived in the neighborhood. I still remember that day like it was yesterday.

Ian and I were riding our bikes like we always do when we came back from school. My bike was blue. Ian's was red. On our way home we took a short cut that goes through the park to our neighborhood. Well, my neighborhood. Ian moved closer to the school about a year later.

My younger sister, Aaliyah, was selling brownies that day. She was in girls scout. Mom happened to be fixing the garden we had out front to watch over my little sister. Dad wasn't home yet. While Ian and I were parking our bikes on in the garage, I finally noticed the moving truck across the street. The truck must have been there all day since the movers were getting ready to leave. A man came out of the house, talking to the movers. A boy, older, had a baseball cap, L.A. it labeled in white on the front. They were from America. They're Americans.

Never have I ever met an American. Usually it's the people I know from school are the ones who move to America.

A woman followed her son to their minivan that was parked on their driveway. They gathered boxes, coming in and out of the place. The mother, I'm guessing, called out to someone. I never gotten the name of the person she was addressing to.

The minute she ran out of the house, I heard Angels (make fun of me if you want, I know, but that was just how I first laid eyes on the love of my life). I was lost in my own lovey-dovey world that I tripped over my bike the my face smashed to the ground.

I heard Aaliyah laughing. Ian tried to help me up. Mom took me inside to the kitchen and help me with my wound. That was how I got the scar on my cheek to remember that day.

Ian followed me upstairs to my room. "Dude, you were totally checking that girl out." Ian immediately said, closing my door.

"No I wasn't." I protested, going to my window that views the front of my house. Also views the house across the street as well.

"Then why are you spying on her?" He came next to me.

"I'm not." I was. It was only her and her brother (stepbrother? I didn't know yet). From my view she wore a rust colored jacket, striped shirt, and jeans. Her hair was long. Like, really, long. And brown. Her brother's hair was more curly and darker than hers.

"She's pretty." I heard Ian said.

"Back off! I saw her first."

"Technically, you fell for her first. So, okay. You can have her. Unless..."

"Unless what?"

"I don't know. But I'll think of something. I have to get back to you on that."

I just kept ignoring Ian. I mainly focused on the girl. She stayed outside helping her family with the boxes from the minivan when the moving truck was gone. When it was getting late, Ian said to me before he left, "don't go creeping on her, Shawn." As a joke he meant. And to call him when anything interesting happens.

Something interesting did happened.

After leaving the bathroom brushing my teeth that night, a light was still on from across the street. I went to my window to check it out. My eyes hit on her when she appeared.

Her room was right there!

I wanted to call Ian and tell him that I could see her room from mine. But I decided not to. Not yet. I waited till he next day to tell him. But that was the night I slept on the windowsill from watching my first love falling asleep in her bed as well.

It took me a week to learn her name. 

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