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"Stop where are you taking us" I yell

"Shh [Y/n] or they will punish us again" says Hantu.

I stayed quiet, I let the two dirty man drag me and my friend to a strange room. I shivered "Please! Don't be the punishment room! Please!" I told myself. We arrived to the strange room, there was no whips or torture devices in sight, but I did see a table in the corner of the room, I breathed in relief. I then saw two chairs in the center of the room, the men seated us on the chairs and tied us up. I looked at Hantu who just stared at the wall, we both then hear a chuckle. A man in a lab coat appeared he had a long bushy beard, he had short brown hair, and he looked no older than 40. 

"Oh hello girls! I have good news for you, today will be your last experimentation." he says.

Me and Hantu stay quiet not wanting to speak to the man. He smirked and walked up to me, he took hold of my chin and made me look at him. He chuckles "Hmmm not talking well there is also bad news dearies. Starting tomorrow you two will be punished more than often so we can test your new abilities." I spit in his face, he wipes the spit off his face, then he slaps me. "Bastard! Go to hell" I say.

"Oh we have a feisty one but no matter you will beg for mercy later today" he chuckles evilly.

He then goes up to the table and reveals two big needles, then the door opened and three men in lab coats came in. "Ok the 3 of you, go to the girl with long hair and hold her down." He says. The men nod and hold Hantu down, the doctor chuckles and walks up to her with the 2 big needles. "I would say this wouldn't hurt but where would the fun be in that" he says. Hantu starts to struggle, "You sick bastard, why are you doing this to us" she says.

"Oh darling I wasn't the one who left you in my front steps was I and once I finish with you 2. You will be humanities dangerous weapons, not even the titans will be able to stop you" he says pushing her head back. He then sticks the needle on the side of her neck, she screams and I see her body getting paler and paler. She started breathing heavy, then he grabs the other needle and injects it in her left eye. She screams even louder and cries, I gasped when her tears turned red and her hair was no longer brown but black ink.

They released her and her body fell forwards, if it wasn't for the ropes she would of fallen straight on the floor. "Her pulse level is increasing, Her body is functioning well, and her DNA has changed which is odd but not surprising tomorrow we will test her abilities." He says writing on a piece of paper. He looks at me and smiles "1 of you Take her back to her cell and the two of you stay and do the same thing to that one over there" he says pointing at me. They nod and untie Hantu and one of the men drags her back to her room, I start struggling.

The 2 guys come up to me and hold me down, I felt a hand pull my head back. I look up and meet the doctors eyes "Oh don't worry this will only hurt a lot and once its done you will be my weapon, my toy, or my pet" he says. I start crying "Ugh sick bastard!" I shriek. He chuckles and sticks the needle on the side of my neck, I feel a rush of pain strike me, I scream louder than I have ever screamed, I felt something move through my body, I then felt my lungs get weak and it was getting harder to breath. My body started trembling, then I felt him stick the other needle in my eye, I cried and screamed even more, my eyes started to blur and I felt my body move, like if it was changing, I felt as if my bones were moving and rearranging. I felt myself fall into darkness.

~Levi Pov.~
I walked up to a big building that was accused of kidnapping children, I was so frustrated because the king wants us to investigate this instead of the military. I sighed as I came up to some guards, they look at me and smirk, I roll my eyes in annoyance. "Tch, Let me pass, I'm here by order of the king." I say. They laugh "What the king sent you, to come and investigate us. Come on this has to be a joke!" says the tall male.

I smirk "well, if you don't let me pass I will have to go in by force!" I sprints up to the males and kicks them both in the face knocking them out. I look down at my shoes "Tch my shoes are fucking dirty now" I grunt and walk inside, I came to a hallway with many doors. I then see the front door open, I was about to attack but I stopped when I realized it was Hangi.

She was chuckling "Oi Shorty I finished checking out this room" I "Tch" and walk forward, we continued going forward till we saw a guard carrying a girl with black hair. She had whip marks on her legs and arms, I grew furious. Those bastards hurt innocent girls, I sprint and punch the guard in the face and stomach, then I knock him out with a kick to the face.

Hangi walks up to the girl and inspects her, I could then see her features, she was very pale, she had a nice curl on her body, and she looked to be no older than 10 years old. "Levi, her pulse level is very fast and looks as if she hasn't eaten for days maybe weeks. We have to take her to the infirmary quickly" she says grabbing the girl in bridal style. I nod and then I see her eye lids open, me and Hangi gasp, her eyes were blood red. She looks at us and trys to speak" left" she breaths heavily and points down the hall.

I nod and then we hear a painful scream, The girl grabs my elbow, I look at her. "Please help [Y/n] she wont survive the torture much longer" She says before passing out.

I froze [y/n], is alive! My sister is ok! Wait! My sister is getting tortured! I snapped my head when I heard screaming and crying again. I run faster than I have ran in my life, I had reached the door and slapped it open. My eyes widen at the sight in front of me, I saw my sister tied up to a chair with dry blood on her legs, she had whip marks and bruises on her face, arms, and body. I grew furious "You bastards will pay for hurting my sister!" I run up to the big guys and punch them straight in the face, I jump in the air and kick them both in the face.

I heard a crunch but I ignored it, I then turned to the guy in the lab coat. He pointed a knife at me, I smirk "your going to wish you were never born wants I'm done with you" I walk up to him, he tries to strike me but I dodge it and take the knife from his hand and strike him in the stomach. The man falls to floor, I breathed and ran up to [Y/n], I gasp when I looked at her. Her hair was no longer [Hair color] but Whitish-purple, Her skin was now pale, and she looked terrible.

I quickly untie her and hold her tightly, I could hear her heart beat faster and faster. I felt her breath heavily, I put my arms around her and carry her bridal style. I look at her and see her eyes open, she looked at me and I looked at her. Her eyes had changed, her beautiful [Eye color] eyes were now bright red, she started to cry,

"Oni-chan I missed you so much!" she says gripping my shirt.

"Its alright I'm here" I say tightening my grip around her.

She sobs even more before passing out in my arms. I walk out the door and down the hallway to the exit, I look at her one more time before exiting, I push a strand of white hair behind her ear, I then lean down and kiss her forehead. Then I whisper in her ear,

"[Y/n] I promise that I will never let anything happen to you ever again. You are my only Family left, I will protect you and if anyone lays a hand on you I will personally end them myself."

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