-Chapter 2- Goodbyes and Abilities

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Time skip 1 week~
-Readers pov.-
I woke up to the sound of humming birds and sunshine. I yawn and see my brother laying next to me, he looked funny sleeping almost peaceful. I looked over him to see a neat stack of papers on the left side of the desk. He must of stayed up late last night finishing these, I silently get up and walk to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Once I finish I walk out to see Levi still alseep, I smirk evilly and run then jump on the bed making Levi tip over and fall straight on the floor.

"Fuck (Y/n) what the hell was that for" he says getting up from the floor and rubs his neck.

"Pay back for last week" I say pleased with myself.

"Oh that! Ok good morning brat!" He says.

I smile "Good morning shorty" I say teasing,
I see him frown and look at me with murderous eyes.

"Oi brat don't fucking call me that" he says
walking to the bathroom and slamming the door shut.

I Laugh and lay back on the bed and stare at the ceiling. I hear the door open and I see Levi walk out of the bathroom and to the stack of papers. "Levi your going to damage your health if you continue to stay up all night doing work and not rest" I say looking at him.

He smirks "Brat when did you become my mother" he starts to grab the stack.

I cross my arms "One I'm your sister and I worry about you too! So stop doing that to yourself!" I say.

He rolls his eyes "Fine but guess what today I have to leave and also today you are going to be on your way to the trainee Squad. So pack a tooth brush and hair brush and get ready to go" he says. Then he walks out of the room, and to his office.

I was startled I had forgotten that I had to leave today, but why did he have to leave? I'll ask him when I get the chance but for now let's get ready for a long trip. I grabbed a bag that I found and backed my things, i backed a hair brush, a tooth brush, and some small things. Once I finished I walk to the closet and grab my uniform, I quickly changed then grabbed my boots. I then hear a knock on the door, I lift my head to see Hantu, She had her hair in a ponytail and she wore her uniform. I send her a small smile, then get up and grab my stuff and head towards the door.

"You ready" she asks.

"Yep got everything! Let's eat breakfast before we leave" I say.

She nods and we both walk to the kitchen and grab our usual breakfast. I get 1 loaf of
bread, an apple, and water, while Hantu gets an orange and water. We walk out of the kitchen and see Hanji and Levi waiting for us.

"Oh (y/n) sit next to me today! Pleaseeeee" says Hangi pleading.

I sigh and sit next to her, she smiles widely and hugs me, I felt like she was squishing my ribs. Levi glares at her "Oi Shitty glasses let go of my sister, before I rip your arms off myself" he threatens

She pouts before letting go, I start to breath normally again. "Damn shorty why don't you ever let me have my fun" says Hangi.

"Tch! Because I want my sister living!" He says.

I roll my eyes as they argue and finish my food. After a few minutes passed I remembered I wanted to ask Levi a question.
"Hey Levi may I ask you something!" I say.
He looks at me and nods.

"Alright, what so important today that you have to leave because i don't remember you telling me you had to go somewhere on the day I leave?" I ask.

He continues to look at me then he sighs. "Tch about 5 months ago, Wall Maria was preached by the Colossal Titan and Armored Titan. Those bloody bastards made gigantic holes on the walls and let all the titans in. We did manage to kill a few but not enough, we are going back to see if we can shorten there numbers again." He explains.

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