Chapter 1

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Robyn sat under the muggy, makeshift tent that was set up outside the venue for her latest photo shoot with Vogue and she stared off into the distance as hair and makeup put the final touches on her look. Her life had gotten so busy in the blink of an eye. It had been two years since her debut album dropped and she got pushed into the spotlight and two years later here she is about to cover one of the most popular magazines in the world . Crazy huh?

It had also been about two years since her last encounter with him. For two people who were so close and hustled towards their dreams together its crazy how they don't even stay in contact anymore. But I do me and you do you  right? Robyn closed her eyes thinking back to their very last conversation...

"Aubrey why you acting like this right now?" Robyn questioned confused at the sudden change in his demeanor.

"I'm tired of all the games Robyn." She looked up into his eyes and for the first time since they'd known each other she felt scared. They had argued many times before but something about his eyes told a different story. He was serious this time.

"What games Aubrey!" Robyn yelled. Like she didn't know

"The games you been playing with me. We've known each other for five years now and for that same amount of time you've known how I felt about you. But you keep playing with me. Does this guy even love you? Does he do you like i do?" he asked

Robyn couldn't find her words. She hated when he brought up this conversation.

"I-i. I mean yeah?" She said. Aubrey shook his head letting out his irritation

"You don't even believe that yourself"

"Aubrey we aren't even serious. I just met the dude, we've hung out a few times but i'm not trying to make anything official right now. I'm just having fun" She assured

"Why don't I even believe you. You do this all the time, every time I bring up the topic of us you try to downplay your other dudes like i'm stupid or something. I put so much into you and you string me along but then you fall back and're too fucking confusing!?" Aubrey let out a huff in frustration

Startled by the sudden change in his tone Robyn softened up

"Can we just not do this today. Please"  Her eyes lowered

"Aubrey I think of us on a whole different level. We have a special connection. Nobody is gonna replace what you and I have but -"

"But what!? You keep asking and waiting for a "Good Guy" to come into your life when you've had one here chasing you for five years. I don't get it!"

Robyn stayed quiet, Watching him heat up in front of her and taking in every  ounce of hurt that radiated from his voice. A long silence filled the room and they both waited on the other to say something.

"I didn't call you here for this" Robyn said lowly "I don't like when we fight" She reached for the CD disk laying on the coffee table.

"I wanted us to listen to it together. It's the first copy" she said holding up her debut album "Music Of The Sun" 

Aubrey let out a sigh

"I'm sorry but i'm just not even in the mood right now"  He murmured. He grabbed his jacket from the back of her dining room chair and collected his keys off her kitchen counter-top making his way to her front door

Robyn stood there speechless, she was at a loss for words. This isn't how it normally ends. She was waiting for him to give in and grab the CD player so they could sit down and listen to it.

"I'm proud of you always. I just don't think I can do this "thing" whatever we got going on, anymore"  He said pointing  between the two of them

"Aubrey please..Why are you acting like this?" Her voice cracked hiding back the tears

"You just don't get it" Aubrey said. Much calmer now

"I'll always wish the best for you. You think i'm not happy about this album?? That shit is dope man. But i think its my time now, i spent the last five years of my life chasing a relationship with you. One you've continuously denied. Right now i gotta focus on my career. I'm done chasing you. I do me and you do you" With that he left. Left her standing in the middle of her apartment with a single tear rolling down her cheek.

She slumped down on the sofa feeling defeated, the noise of the slammed door echoing through her ears. She'd never seen him like this before. Its like she didn't even know that side of him existed. He always came back.

But that night he didn't..

After that day she received weekly texts from him checking up on her, then that turned to monthly texts. Then at some point she became too busy in her career to even reply. And at some point he became too busy in his career to even send them in the first place. Within months her album blew up and that same year Aubrey rose up to fame,  just like he said he would. She remembers the times when only close friends and family knew them by their middle names. Now the whole world knew them as Rihanna and Drake. Crazy huh?

Sometimes she wished her and Aubrey never took it to that level. Never shared those intimate moments. Never crossed that line. But in a way it was inevitable. They shared a genuine connection, a natural bond, one she had always tried to avoid because she was scared of how it could end. They had a friendship she never wanted to give up on. They dream't of living the highest life, they imagined their first award shows, first interviews, travelling the world on tour. She just won her first Grammy last month and was about to start her world tour in two days. It's funny how life can treat you cause look at where they are now...


So I decided I would try to write my own fanfic. I hope you guys like this first chapter. Please leave comments and reviews, should I continue etc. I'm in the middle of exams right now at school so expect updates to be slow but once summer break comes I'll be working on this a lot more. 

Hope you enjoy!! :) 

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