Chapter 3

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Another Filler/Fast Forward :) lol. Enjoy

It had been exactly two weeks now since Robyn recorded her verse to the song and sent it almost immediately to Aubrey who was surprised at how flawless her vocals were. It was like the icing on the cake. Robyn was now more than half way done with her tour and Aubrey had been busy promoting their new single. Its crazy how throughout this entire process not once did they ever speak to each other. It was always through 40 and Jen. But Aubrey wasn't bothered by that too much, and Robyn probably wasn't either, they both had busy lives so it was understandable.

Today though as crazy as it seemed, they were both booked for promotional interviews.

Aubrey pulled on his earpiece and adjusted his mic waiting for his morning interview with Ebro on HOT 97. On the other side of the country sat Robyn who was also waiting to begin her interview with the Breakfast Club.


"Alright good morning you're listening to Ebro In the Morning! We got Drake here today, gonna talk about his upcoming album and that new single out with RIRI!"

"Yeah man whats up" Aubrey spoke into the mic

"Tell us about the new song"

"Well um" He said gathering his thoughts

"All of this actually happened in the span of a week. 40 my producer, we were looking at songs for the album and he got "What's My Name" which was originally gonna be for Britney Spears but she handed it over and um yeah we just knew we had to take it"

"Tell us about Riri. We know she don't do too many Collabs , How'd you get her to jump on the track?"

"Well 40 immediately said like 'yo we need to get Rihanna on, her musics hot right now she'd kill this" and I saw where he was coming from too so we just sent it to her. And she recorded, did her thing." Aubrey said while motioning with his hands "And yeah that's that"

"And how about the recording process how was that being in the same space as THE Rihanna man. She's stunning "

Aubrey chuckled knowing where the interview was going.

"We actually didn't record in the same studio.Um...she sent her verse to me. But yeah man she's a great girl, you know, we go way back, a lot of people might not know that but um we've known each other for some time now and once I heard this song it immediately came to me like, she's perfect for this , the island vibe, the tone in her voice just everything." He couldn't help but smirk a little knowing where the interviewer was going with these questions.



"Alright welcome back to the breakfast club we got Rihanna in the building"


"Got Riri here with us gonna talk about this tour she got going on, and this new single we just played for you, with DRAKE" Robyn chewed the inside of her lip nodding and swinging in her chair

"So tell us about this song"

She scooted closer to the mic

"Umm well actually it was Aubrey who sent it to me, I was like in the middle of my show and um I didn't hear it until later that night but I immediately fell in love with the song. I knew I had to put my own twist on it"

" Aubrey huh? First name basis." he teased causing Robyn to laugh

"Alright how was the recording process. I mean there's some pretty steamy stuff in that song. Plus I heard you guys go way back" the interviewer joked making Robyn blush and swing back in her chair

"Hahahaha yeah you're right we do go way back but umm I actually haven't really seen him in person in a.. A long time. I recorded my part and sent it back to him and that was it" Robyn said smiling a little.

Throughout the rest of the day they both ran from interview to interview promoting their new single.


Robyn dropped her bags onto the floor and flopped down on the couch. Today was exhausting. Not only did she have a shoot to do in the morning but her last Show here was later tomorrow as well.

"Anything new?" She asked Jen who had opened up her computer

"Um well there's a new email from 40."

"What is it" Robyn Asked

"Well it says ' Is it ok that we meet up soon?'"

Robyn sat up straight

"You sure that's from 40?"


She grabbed the computer from Jen's lap and slid it onto her own staring at the message. Robyn collected her phone and bag from the floor and slowly made her way into the back of the tour bus with the computer.

She locked the door behind her and sat in the middle of the bed with her legs folded, contemplating what to reply. After a few minutes she opened up the reply button and began to type


Almost immediately there was a notification sound ringing through the speakers

-Yes. I'll be in New York tomorrow and thought maybe we could meet up. It'd be good to see you again.

A small smile formed against her lips and butterflies flew in her stomach. Suddenly she was happy, and excited and the idea of having to do a photo shoot in the morning as well as a show later on that day completely left her mind. She was finally going to see her best friend after years.

She replied back with ' Of Course' giving him her assistants number and closing the laptop.

After sitting in her own thoughts for almost thirty minutes and imagining how tomorrow would go down, what they would talk about, if they would hug, if he had missed her like she missed him she finally fell asleep.

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