The Dog Days Over

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Chapter -7-

Today is not my day. I feel like absolute bull shit. I didn't sleep. My hair is a mess, my clothes are baggy, and no makeup no worries. Good thing it's on more day till fall break. I would have gone mad with the pressure of another day.

Roc came in my room last night. He tried to comfort me. No... You weren't even thinking about me when someone else was on top of you. Go somewhere with that.

I walked into school all slow. I hope today goes by fast, so far it hasn't. "Woah.. What happen to you Kayla? You look... Uhm what's the word? Disgusting." I looked a Ray and shrugged. He was right, but right now I could care less. I'm all up in my emotions. Waist deep.

I walked into class and sank down in my seat. Nobody better start anything today. People kept looking at me. My self conscious is not present today either.

This class has became the easiest. All we basically do is take notes, but today it's switched up. The board says write a journal entry. That's it? It doesn't even give us a topic.

I opened my notebook and starred at the blank pages. I've never written in here. A fresh page; New chapter. My hands started writing. I hope they can keep up with my mind, because I have a lot to get out.

Journal Entry #1

Love, what is love? Is it something shared between a person and person? Can it be anything.
Can it be the light switch in my room? Can it be the stars.
What about between family and family?
Can a brother love a sister beyond normal love without being judging?
Can they have love?
What about in school?
Can a teacher love a student?
Better yet, can a student love a teacher?
Is it normal, possible, acceptable?
People judge what they don't know.
Love is love no matter sex, age, race, hair color, teeth, body type, freckles or no freckles, and no matter who/or what people love.

The bell rang as I was finishing my last word. I got up and sat my notebook on the teachers desk. Letting my feelings out put me in a way better mood. "Have a good fall break!" Our teacher yelled at us as we walked out the classroom.

As I walked to Spanish I kept thinking, New page, New Chapter. What's that exactly mean?

I walked into Spanish and sat down. Perez watched me the whole way. Don't get in a bad mood Kayla. Not today, be strong.

Perez told me to hand out papers and I did without acting out. We're learning emotions and some verbs today.

Sad- Triste
Happy- Feliz
Mad- Enojado
Run- Carrear
Hide- Ocultar
Glad- Contento
Sit- Sentarse
And the best of them all..
Love- Amar

As in, I was (Triste) this morning and (contention) when I got my emotions out. I still just want to (carrear) and (Ocultar) from all this (Amar) I'm feeling. But for right now I'll just (sentarse) and act (feliz).

The class went smoothly. He even put on music. Sleepy.. That's what I'm feeling and before I knew it I was asleep with my head cocked sideways on the desk.

Perez woke me up at the end of the hour and told me class was over. I started walking out but he said I would have to come in for lunch and make up the time I slept. I nodded as left. I'm not even going to argue. I was just glad he let me sleep for a little while.

My work got finished in the next two class, right before lunch. I but my books and binders in my locker and walked to the cafeteria.

Everyone looks gray today. Good, I'm not the only one. They were serving soup and pizza, so I just go soup. It's that kind of day. You could feel it in the air.

I walked into Spanish and sat down. It was his planning time so no one was in here, but him and I. He was grading papers, so I just sat there eating quietly.

Perez got up and I thought he was coming over to me. Nope, he went to the closet and got some more papers out.

Another 15 minutes in silence.

He moved his grading from his desk over to the bench. In the corner is a chair with a pillow and two benches connected. I grabbed the pillow and went and sat by him. He didn't even look at me. I sat the pillow in his lap and laid down. This time he did look down and smile. Goodness I missed his smile. They way he's looking at me right now is making all my problems disappear. My eyes closed and he started rubbing my back. "I'm sorry Mackayla." I nodded and fell asleep.

Roc was waiting for me outside.

I forgot that I took the bus this morning so I wouldn't have to deal with him. I got in quietly and sat in the back. "Crew let her sit up here." "Alright." The guy in the front started unbuckling his seat belt. "No it's okay Crew I'm fine." Crew shrugged and sat back. Roc watched me through the mirror and frowned. "Crew." Roc pointed to the back seat. This time Crew actually go out and opened my door. "Please, I'm just tying to get home." I nodded and got in the front. NOT for Roc but for Crew.

Crew was about 6'5 , athletic, and skin like dark chocolate. You can't help but stare at him. Every girls wet dream.

We dropped Crew off on Chardonnay street. He lived in a very nice loft on the rich side of town. Kind of by where Perez lives.

Crew got out and thanked Roc, which was returned with a nod. He looked at me and winked. Goodness yessss... Please be mine.

We drove on down the street. "Do you know why I wanted you up here with me?" I rolled my eyes. Great just tell me your whole life story. "Why Roc, why would you possibly want me up here with you?" "You make me calm." I looked at him. "When your up here Kayla you make me feel safe, like I don't have any care in the world. That's probably why I can't let you go." I didn't even say anything. Just looking straight ahead. "And the girl yesterday she didn't men anything." "Where have I heard that before?" Mostly saying it to Myself, but I guess it was a little louder than expected. "What you mean Kayla?" "Nothing, I've just heard that so many times Roc. I can't believe you."

He's hurt, I can tell. "Roc I don't care who you date or fuck, your my brother and its gonna stay that way. You don't belong to me. I shouldn't be getting jealous." "But you should cause I led you to believe we had something. I shouldn't be feeling his way. Can we start new? Like renew our old new." I nodded. "Promise me one thing Roc." "What?" "I get to approve anybody you date!" He laughed and smiled. "Okay fine."

I sat in bed doing my homework for fall break. It's not that much; just a few worksheets. Gonna do them now cause ill forget about them at the end of the break.

Farrah knocked on my door. "Can I come in?" I cleared my bed. "Yeah come on." She sat down and played with her ponytail. "What's up Far?" She looked into my eyes. "Boy troubles." I laughed and smiled. "Oh goodness go get the ice cream and cake." "It's not funny Kayla!" "I know, I'm being serious. Go get the ice cream and cake so we can talk."


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