What is this im feeling?

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Weeks have passed. The sex with Perez has declined. He always Says "he's busy". That angers me.

Today is okay though. Roc just dropped me off at school. I'm late because I didn't want to get out of bed. He has a game so he's alright.

I walked in Spanish and sat my books down. Perez didn't even acknowledge that I was late.

He passed out some worksheets. He didn't even give them to me to hand out. What's going on?

I walked to his desk,with the worksheet, so people wouldn't get curious.

I whispered to him. "Hey." He looked up than went back to grading. "Hey." I frowned a little. "What's wrong?" He sighed and put his pen down. "Ok if your gonna keep talking, nothing, nothing is wrong with me." I made a hurt face then went and sat down.

What did I do to him?

The rest of the hour I didn't even look at him. The bell rang and I left.

At Perezs lunch break I went into his room to see if I missed anything at the beginning of class.

I walked in and immediately stopped. He was kissing another girl. Not just any girl, but Keri.

She stopped and turned around like I couldn't see her. She was obviously just kissing Perez.

My heart is beating fast. What is this? Am I jealous? He's not my boyfriend. He's my teacher. But I have some much hatred for both of them right now. She knows that's MY man! Oh wait... No she doesn't. Doesn't matter, I still wanna beat the living sh** out of her.

I stormed out the room and back to lunch.

Perez ran down the hall after me. "Kayla wait!" I kept walking. He grabbed me and pulled me in the supply closet. I hit his chest. "Bastard! Let me go, now!!" He grabbed my hands. "Kayla listen, I know your mad, but she means nothing to me."

I looked into his eyes. He's lieing. I shook my head and tried to open the door. Locked. Perez held up the keys. "You must say you forgive me." I shook my head and sat down on a mop bucket. Perez sat down also. "I guess will be here all day till you forgive me"

I turned so I wasn't facing him. Tears started running down my face. I tried to whip then away but more just kept coming. I'm hurt.

Perez started rubbing my shoulders. "I'm sorry Kayla." I put my face in my hands and tried to go back to normal breathing. It isn't working so well.

How could they. I couldn't blame Keri as much as Perez. She didn't know about this.

Hiccups popped up in my throat. Great. This always happens when I'm angry or crying. It's a little bit of both right now so there gonna hurt.

Perez started looking around for something. He found it, water, and handed it to me. The only reason I took it was because these hiccups seriously hurt.

His phone rang. "Shit." He stood up. "Principal is looking for me." I walked to the door and he unlocked it. Perez kissed me but I didn't kiss back. His face frowned. "Makayla please" he pleaded. He wrapped his arms around my waist and started kissing my soft spot. I'm not feeling it. I shook him off and walked out the door and back to class.

Roc picked me up from school. "Hey, ready?" I nodded and got in the car. "What's wrong?" He asked. "Nothing" I replied and put in my head phones.

I woke up in my room. Must have fallen asleep in the car and Roc carried me upstairs. How sweet.

I knocked on his door. He didn't answer so I just walked in. Bad idea.

There was a girl riding him. Eww. He pushed her off and covered himself up. "Oh hey Kayla, need something?"
I shook my head and went back into my room.

"Who was that girl Roc?" Roc looked at the door. "My sister." The girl smiled and got back on top of him. "Oh okay then." Roc pushed her off. "You must not of heard me, I said that was MY sister." He got up and ran to your room.

Both people I love are treating me like crap right now. I'm not suppose to like any of them and I don't.....

I love them


Comment please!

I feel like this book is getting boring.

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