Evil insights

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"No you do it first." I moved my finger, with whip cream, all over his lips.

"If I do it first than you have to do even more," he said.


He bent down and kissed me with his whipped lips. This is the best lunch I have ever had so far.

"Kayla you know I can't write you passes anymore? Your referral is up."

I went and sat in front of the computer. I searched for my name. "Okay, where are the M's." I clicked on my name and printed off a pass. "Its that easy Perez."

He kissed me again. "I'm sorry I'm new."

I hoped on his desk. "We know. The school has never had such a sexy teacher."

"Knock knock!" A lady walked in. I jumped off the desk and into a chair. She dimmed her eyes at me a little. "I was just wondering did you get the new schedule Princeton?"

Perez nodded his head," I did thank you." The teacher nodded, looked at me one more time, than left.

Damnit always getting looks from teachers.

"Who is that?"

Perez looked at me. "Mrs. Taylor."

"Oh, she was a student teacher last year." I remember her. She was Keri's english teacher. Everyone said she was a little rude.

"She's really nice," he said. "She always keeps me updated."

I raised my eyebrow. "I heard she's mean."

"Don't believe everything you hear Kayla." He walked over to the cabinet to grab some papers.

"Blah Blah."

He turned around, "Do you want detention?"

Please, like he would. "Give it to me."

He got out a stack of detention papers and filled one out. "Here."

"Are you serious?"

He nodded. "Perez. You can't be serious."

"I warned you."

"Oh my gosh. You get on my nerves." I put my lunch in the trash and left. He just pissed me off.


"Okay, listen up. One rule and one rule only. No talking."

Oh. My. Gosh. This is going to be boring. I looked around and saw familiar faces. The bad ass, the bad kids, and the kids. I also saw Chresanto.

I turned my head at him. He did a half grin then passed a note to a guy who passed it to me.

The note said he was in here for back talking. I turned around and did a fake laugh. He flipped me off.

The bad thing about detention is that it starts while we're in school and goes all the way till 5 o'clock.

The teacher looked around. "No talking! I will not say it again!!!!!"

All the whispers shut up.

Knock Knock

The student closest to the door answered. It was Ms. Taylor. She looked around then spotted me.

"Uhm I was just checking to see if you got the new schedule."

The detention teacher nodded. Ms. Taylor looked at me one last time then left.

She's super weird and creepy. Like what the hell does she has starring problems?

I sat there for another 10 minutes looking at the wall, Ceiling, posters, anything that interested me.

Knock Knock

The same student answered it.

Perez walked in. "May I have Makayla? She's my rebel."

The teacher nodded and released me.

I quickly gathers my things and got up. The whole classes eyes were on me. I turned around and Chresanto made a face. I shrugged and left with Perez.

"I knew you would come for me."

He chuckled. "I didn't want them to influence you. Plus, I have some work for you to do."

I smiled. Yeah right, some work.

"I don't do work."

"You do now."

He opened up the door and Mrs.Taylor was standing there in a long jacket. Her eyes darted from me to Perez hen back to me.

"I'm sorry, bad time? I'll come back later." She made a apologetic face to Perez.

"Did you need something Taylor?" He turned his head.

"Uhh I just wanted to go over a lesson plan with you." He walked towards he door.

I looked at Perez," I could go if you needed me too." I pointed toward the door.

Mrs. Taylor nodded her head. He stopped me before I even took a step. "I'm sure Taylor could come back later."

Mrs.Taylor look disappointed. "Yeah, we can talk tomorrow." She limply opened the door and left.

I sat down. "What was that about?"

" I have no idea."

I smiled and kind of laughed," When did y'all get on first name bases?"

He shrugged," She told me to call her Taylor."

Perez dropped a big stack of papers in front of me.

"Here's the work. Grade it."

I looks at him with my eyes big. "What the hell."

"You have detention Kayla." He walked back I his desk.

All these papers are gonna be the death of me. I graded about 50 papers

I stopped when I seen Keri's paper. She made a 100%, but our friendship is like at a 23% right now.

I got out my phone and texted her.

"Kayla what are you doing? This is detention no phones."

I narrowed my eyes at him and put my phone up for about a minute until he turned back around.

I got it out again and finished the message. I looked up to see if anybody was watching.

I glanced through the window into the hallway and came in contact wig Ms. Taylor's eyes. I looked again and she was gone.

I jumped up super quick. "Uhh I have to go. I forgot I was making dinner."

He frowned. "Are you still coming over tonight?"

I looked out the window again. "Probably not, uhh I really have to go." I opened he door and ran quickly down the hall.

The way she was looking told me to stay as far from Perez as I could.

In Love With My Teacher <3 (Mindless Story)Where stories live. Discover now