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Juggling AP courses, Early College Exams, Extracurricular activities, Team Sports, and maintaining a 4.0 average seemed to be easily balanced by Hoseok. He was fantastic at it, after all. But, it was taking a toll on him.

Hoseok didn't leave Art Club to go to Dance Club.

Hoseok went AWOL.

After telling Namjoon what he does, and seeing how intensely uninterested Namjoon was, Hoseok had a realization:

He was boring.

"I'm Hoseok and I'm a junior. I'm the captain of the Track Team, I'm co-captain of Varsity Swimming, I'm involved in 12 sports and/or clubs. I take 4 AP classes," yadda yadda yadda.

Hoseok had been reliving the situation for an hour now. He'd been studious and involved for the past 6 years of his life. He needed to stop, once and for all. So, he skipped all of his after school activities.


After he left the school, Hoseok ran to Yoongi's apartment. Yoongi kept a spare key hidden in a matchbox on the ledge of his door, for occasions like this, when his friends need an escape. So, Hoseok felt it would be the best place to turn to.
He sat for a while, calm and inconspicuous. Yoongi's girlfriend knew he was there, but she didn't think much of it. Someone was always there.

When Hoseok heard Yoongi's key turn in the lock just outside, he bolted into the closet. No one could know he skipped it all. Not yet, at least.
Hoseok witnessed a lot: Yoongi kicking out Namjoon, and dumping his girlfriend.
Of course Hoseok wouldn't tell anyone he was there. But he was planning on staying until Yoongi got home tonight.

Hoseok was a ticking time bomb, who had never exploded, but everyone knew he couldn't handle the pressure for much longer. It was an unspoken knowledge amongst the six boys.

Ring, ring ring.

It was his cellphone. He fumbled with it, tossing it about in his hands, and he picked it up. It was his mother.
"Hello?" He gulped, "... I'm sorry mom... How do you know? ... Coach called you ... Right... Well, hey wait, don't yell at me, stop. STOP!" The phone line went silent, "Yeah," he said, "You heard me. I'm finished." His heart sank into his stomach at the words his mother said next.



He blew up, and he'd be staying at Yoongi's for a while because of it,

Hoseok went onto the balcony to take a breather. On the table next to him, was a lighter and a carton of cigarettes. He picked them up curiously.

"I thought Yoongi quit..." Hoseok said, toying with the paper label peeling away from the box. He looked at the back and read the same death warning that Yoongi did just moments beforehand.
May cause cancers or death.

Hoseok plucked one out and picked up the lighter left on the railing. The truth was, Hoseok had no idea what he was doing. So, he put a cigarette in his mouth, backwards, and lit the wrong end.
"Cheers," he mumbled to himself, not noticing that he wasn't breathing in smoke at all. Not that it mattered. It was the fact that he rebelled for once that mattered. It was the thought of it that mattered.


Hoseok could always confide in Yoongi. He was his best friend out of all of the boys. Yoongi mentored Hoseok in art, and now he was hoping Yoongi could mentor him in the art of being bad. Not to mention the breakup that he just witnessed would make his chances much greater.
Yoongi was intimidating at first, but that was only because he seemed so angry. As far as Hoseok knew, he was the only one who'd seen the real Yoongi. He felt special, and the fact that it was Yoongi who made him feel special meant the world to him. And now they'd be living together, he assumed.

"It's a good thing they broke up," Hoseok said, slipping into the habit he had of talking to himself, "She wasn't right for him anyways..."

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