1 ~ Viva La Vida

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Body blow.

To the stomach.

Wind them.

Finishing blow.


Repeat the actions. Repeat and get it right. Get it back. That muscle memory. Get it back. Make it so it didn't vanish and leave and mental block when it really mattered.

When he needed it.

When he was in the ring.



Body blow.

"C'mon, Day, what's up with you today, tired?"

Damien sighed, blinking and clicking out of the trance he'd been in – or trying to get into. E-Zee was right, he wasn't with it.


No, he wasn't tired.

He was just out of it.

E-Zee, taking a moment to shove his electric blue hair from his eyes, put the sparring glove back on and lifted his hands, planting his feet to take the forthcoming blows.

Damien took a breath, his eyes flicking to the right, over E-Zee's shoulder towards their coach he was leant back in the corner of the ring, arms folded, watching his former champion with a bored, unimpressed gaze. He could have been watching show jumping for all the interest he showed at that moment.

"How's your girl?"

"What?" Damien said, attention swinging back to E-Zee, just in time for his friend to smack him right on the nose with his sparring glove.

"Oh sure," E-Zee said, laughing, "You pay attention when I ask about your girl but you're all over the place when a fist comes at you."

"I don't have a girl," Damien said, rubbing his nose.

"And I don't have a sister."

Damien glared at him because he did have a sister – a scary sister.

"I don't have a girl," he repeated.

"Ok, how's your bestest-best-friend-ever?"

"She's fine."

"Still on holiday?"

"Still on holiday."

"Enjoying herself?"

"Enjoying herself."

"Hooked up with anyone?"

Damien threw a punch and E-Zee got out of the way rather then take it. "Hey! Hey! Easy," he snapped, "I'm not wearing any head-gear. I want my head on its shoulders, thanks."

"Teach you for prying," Damien said.

"Jealous S.O.B," E-Zee sneered.

Damien lifted his left hand again and E-Zee held up his hands in surrender. He looked around the gym, nodding to someone over Damien's shoulder.

"But she's all good, right?"

"She's all good," Damien said, preparing to spar again.

"That's the main thing," E-Zee said, then grinned, "Coz she's looking hot as all hell."

"What?" Damien said confused; right before someone punched him square in the kidney.

He pivoted automatically, assuming it was one of the girls in the gym messing around, assuming they'd be ready to defend a punch from him.

He was just in time to see a flash of red hair drop out of sight before his fist hit thin air and he looked down at the person who had punched him then ducked out of harms way.

"Trying to hit a girl, shame on you, Day," E-Zee said behind him with an overly disapproving tone.

Damien didn't listen.

He just stared at Clarissa Sinclair straightened up and grinned at him, slipping boxing gloves off her hands and throwing them over to one of the guys.

"Hey," she said, smiling at him, planting her hands on her hips. "Long time no see."

A smile formed, unbidden, across Damien's face and he wrapped his arms around her, hugging her tightly.

"Ew, you stink! And you're all sweaty!" Clarissa cried, wrapping her arms around him.

"You don't mind," he said, rubbing his cheek across the top of her head and smearing the sweat across her hair.

"Argh! Get off!" Clarissa cried, struggling against him.

"I thought you weren't back until tomorrow," Damien said, tightening his wrap, squashing her against his chest.

"Surprise," Clarissa said and stood on his foot, making him back off.

"You look good," he said, holding out his hands to her so she could undo his boxing gloves. His eyes travelled across her as she worked on the lace, taking in the translucent, clear, pale skin, the bright eyes and shiny red hair in healthy bouncing curls.

"You look like you lost a fight," Clarissa replied, pulling off his second glove and looking up at his face.

He smiled slightly.

"Well, I didn't win one," he said.

"Day, you're done for the day," Coach called, "Why don't you head home, catch up." He glanced at Clarissa. "Back tomorrow for lessons."

Damien nodded and looked around but Clarissa had already moved away to talk to E-Zee who was teasing her about the faintest of faint skier's tan. 


Next Up: Thursday

Music By: Viva La Vida by Coldplay

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