16 ~ Up On Melancholy Hill

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"Dude, she followed you all the way over to fecking Ireland. I know we're only next door to the UK but she still dropped everything and flew to another country just to check up on you. Do you have any concept of how lucky you are?" Shane asked, glaring across the table at Damien who was watching Clarissa who was at the bar, going to toe to toe at battle of the words with Brian, Orla and Siobhan with her, laughing as she threw English wit against Irish, clearly much more comfortable then she had been when she'd first walked in.

"I know how lucky I am," Damien said, looking back at him.

"So what the hell are you doing turning up here when you have a girl like that back in London?" James asked.

"Leave it alone," Damien growled at him and looking back to Clarissa just as Brian let out an approving roar of laughter.

As they were talking some of the lads who'd been talking by the door came over to talk to the girls, joining in the conversation with easy smiles. Clarissa didn't seem displaced by the sudden arrival, like she already knew them, shaking their hands, smoothly catching them up with the conversation.

"I like her," Shane said with a grin, nodding approvingly, like his approval meant anything. "Picked a good friend there. That's all you are, right? Man, can't believe you rejected her."

The other two sniggered and Damien glared at him. "It's not as simple as that," he said.

"Sure, sure," Shane said, nodding. "So she's single, right?"

"What do you care?"

"I don't, plenty happy with Suzy. But Connor over there clearly has an eye for her, just pointing it out."

Damien was up like a shot and walking over to the bar and the three he left behind laughed manically.

"So he was going on about his designer shirt, still not realising the thing was inside out," Clarissa was saying and Damien appeared, his arm sliding around her waist, making everyone look around. "Oh hey," she said, "I was just telling them about Aaron when he was trying to chat up Amy."

"Oh yeah, I remember," Damien said, glancing at Connor. Connor got the hint and held up a hand with a friendly smile to tell Damien to ease off. He looked at Clarissa. "You must be tired. Where are you staying tonight?"

Clarissa shrugged. "I'm going to head back into the city and find a hotel. I know my parents usually stay at The Shelbourne so I'll—"

Some of the others let out a low whistle, staring at her. "You can afford that place when you're just dropping by?" Orla said, staring.

"How come you didn't book a place in advance?" Damien asked, drawing her attention back, "You can't just go wondering around."

Clarissa frowning at him and thump her hand back into his chest. "You vanished this morning, I got on a plane this evening. When was I supposed to book a hotel? I got the first train up to Gatwick and flew out on the earliest plane – you think I'd choose Ryanair otherwise? I barely even packed."

"Aww," Siobhan said, laughing, "Damien, you totally don't deserve this girl."

Damien pursed his lips, then glanced back to where the guys were sitting. "Why don't you stay with me?" he asked, looking back at her, "I'm staying in Shane's flat, right above this pub, you don't have to go anywhere, there's space and he won't mind. It's easier."

Clarissa raised an eyebrow.

"Oh sure, she gives up lovely, grand room in The Shelbourne to sleep in Shane's lousy flat," Orla said, frowning at him, "What a lucky lady."

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