Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

<Taylor's POV>

As I was waiting by the locker bays for someone, Justin and Selena walked by. Selena looked at me and all I did was glare at her. I was still pissed at Justin for just going out with me just so he could try and get over Selena. But I was really pissed at Selena because she didn't tell me right away. And who knows when she would of told me. Suddenly I heard someone walk up to me. I turned around and saw Brian. I quickly looked back at Selena and she was still looking over at me. I quickly took Brian's hand and ran back into a different hallway. When I stopped I punched Brian in his arm. "What the fuck Brian! Selena saw you! And she's not suppose to!" I yelled. "It's fine. She won't expect anything." Brian said smirking. "What happens if she does?" I asked as I crossed my arms. "She won't. She's to dumb to figure out what's about to happen or what is happening." Brian informed me. We both shared a laugh. Yeah, yeah. Selena is my "friend" but Im so done with her. I don't even want to be her friend anymore. She took Justin away from me and now, the same thing is going to happen to her. "So what actually is the plan here?" Brian asked. "We have to break Justin and Selena up." I say. "I know that! I meant, how do we do that?" Brian said. "Easy. You get Selena alone and make a move on her when Justin is about to walk in. He'll see then get upset and everything will go down after that." I informed Brian. He nodded his head. "Okay. When should I do this?" he asked as he scratched the back of his head. "Anytime." I said. He nodded again. The bell suddenly rang meaning we were late to class. "I'll just talk to you later." I said starting to walk away but Brian grabbed my arm and pulled me back. "Forgetting something?" he asked with a smirk. I sighed a I knew exactly what he wanted. I leaned in and pressed my lips against his. He immediately kissed back. "See you babe." Brian said before we went our separate ways.

<Selena's POV>

The bell rang and I quickly gathered my things before heading to my locker. Today was a long day, well for me. But all day I couldn't stop thinking about how Brian was with Taylor. If I didn't know any better, I would say something is up. But I pushed the thought to the back of my head. I got to my locker and Justin was there putting his books away. "Hey baby." he said sweetly. I felt myself blush a little as I smiled. "Hey. You know, I keep forgetting that our lockers are right next to each other." I said. He laughed. "Me too." I put my books in my locker then shut my locker the same time Justin shut his. "So, what do you want to do today baby?" Justin asked leaning up against the lockers as I faced him. "Um, I don't know. Could we just watch a movie at my place and just relax? I don't really feel like going anywhere." I said. Justin nodded. "Of course." He said before he pressed his lips against mine. I kissed back as I wrapped my arms around his neck and his hands rested at my waist, bringing me in closer to him. Justin made the kiss a little deeper as I started to smile. But then I remembered we were still at school. I quickly pulled away. Justin furrowed his eyebrows together. "We're at school. Don't you remember we don't want anyone to know about us?" I said. Justin sighed. "Oh yeah." he said sadly. "Selena?" I heard a familiar voice say. I turned around and saw Demi standing there, with her jaw dropped. "W-why are you kissing Justin? Are you dating him?" Demi asked. This was exactly what I didn't want to happen.

"Listen, you can't let anyone else know about us." I said after Justin and I explained to Demi about how we were together now and what happened with Taylor. "When were you going to tell me that you guy were together?" Demi asked, still clearly in shock about this whole thing. "Later. We just didn't want anyone to know right away because we're afraid of what people would think about us together." I said. Demi took a deep breath taking all of this in. "Please don't be mad or upset about this." I said. I didn't care that Taylor was pissed at me. But Demi, I can't handle it. She's my best friend and I can't stand her being mad at me. "Demi, if you're upset or mad," Justin paused as I he licked his lips and looked at me. "I won't be with Selena." I looked up at Justin and he was looking down at the ground. "Justin," I said my eyes starting to get watery. Was he actually going to break up with me? "Look, I know you are best friends with Demi and I can't stand to see her mad at you. So if she doesn't want us together, it's okay. I mean we can still be friends." Justin said, his eyes starting to get watery also. "Justin, don't." Demi said causing both Justin and I to look at her. "I'm not mad. I'm actually really happy that you guys are together." Demi said smiling. "R-really?" I said completely in shock that she was okay with Justin and I dating. "Yes!" she said. "Don't break up with Selena, Justin. I want you guys to be together." Justin nodded. "I won't." Justin said before he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek, causing me to smile and Demi to let out an "Awe."

<Taylor's POV>

I was standing behind the corner as I saw Demi walk up and saw Justin and Selena kissing. She was surprised, very surprised. "Are you dating Justin?" I heard Demi ask Selena. I could tell Selena was stressing out since she didn't want Demi or anyone to know about her Justin being a couple now. As Selena started to explain to Demi about what happened I felt arms wrap around my waist and kisses being trailed down my neck. I smiled as I turned around and pressed my lips against Brian's. "Hey baby." Brian said as he rubbed my arms. "Hey." I said. Brian looked over my shoulder, probably looking at Selena, Justin, and Demi. "What happened?" Brian asked. "Demi saw Justin and Selena kissing. Now Demi knows about them being together." I informed Brian. Then I heard something interesting. "Demi, if you're upset or mad," Justin stopped. Brian was about to say something when I shut him up. "Sh, I have to hear this!" I said as I leaned in closer to try and hear Justin better. "I won't be with Selena." Inside I was jumping with joy. Maybe mine and Brian's plan didn't need to start if Justin was breaking up with Selena. "He's breaking up with her?" Brian asked. In response I nodded my head. "Justin, don't." I heard Demi say. I furrowed my eyebrows together. "I'm not mad. I'm actually really happy that you guys are together." Demi said. "Did she just say she was happy that they were together?" Brian asked, clearly in as much shock as I was. I was thinking that Demi would be upset or even mad that they were together. I guess I guessed wrong. "Yeah." I said. "So it looks like our plan is still in action." Brian nodded. "Text me later." Brian nodded again before pressing his lips against mine.

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