Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

<Selena's POV>

"Justin," I moaned as Justin was kissing and sucking at my neck. I leaned my head to the side so he could have more access to my neck. I put my hand on Justin's neck as he continued to kiss my neck roughly. He found my sweet spot and that's when I let out another moan. Justin removed his lips and placed them onto mine as I wrapped my legs around Justin's torso, bringing his lower body down next to mine. I put my hands on Justin's abs and massaged them causing Justin to moan in the kiss. Justin was only in his boxers as I was only in my bra and underwear. Justin leaned his forehead against mine as we both gasped for air. Justin was breathing heavily as so was I. His hair was all messed up which I thought was a turn on. He was sweating a little like I was as the room had become hot. Justin kissed my lips softly. I moved my hands down to Justin's boxers and played with the elastic band. "Tease," Justin breathed out. I smirked as I pulled the elastic band back then let it go so it hit Justin. He whined a little as it hit him. Justin moved his hands behind my back to my bra strap as I sat up. He connected our lips together as he fumbled with my bra strap. Suddenly I felt nervous. I knew I wasn't ready for what was about to happen. Why did I even let it go this far? As Justin almost got my bra strap unhooked, I pulled away. "Stop!" I said as the same time Justin did. We both looked at each other. "Did you just say stop too?" I asked Justin out of breath. He nodded his head. "I can't go all the way yet. I'm to nervous to." Justin admitted. "Same." I stated. Justin pushed me back down onto the couch as he kissed me, his body against mine. I wanted to tell Justin I loved him but, it was way to soon. I mean we just started going out today. And plus, I wanted Justin to say it first. Justin put his hand on my cheek, his thumb brushing along my cheek as our lips moved in sync. Justin pulled away and looked into my eyes. "I love your eyes." Justin said as he pushed a lock of my hair out of my face. I felt myself blush a little. Anything he compliments on about me I blush. "I love your smile." I said before I peaked his lips.

Justin smiled. "You know what I love the most though about you?" Justin asked with a grin. I smiled. "What?" I asked. "Your kisses." Justin said before he pressed his lips against mine, kissing me passionately. I wrapped my arms around his neck bringing him down closer to me. If I didn't know any better, I think we were going into round two. And I was right. Justin started to kiss me neck sending me shivers through my body. "You don't know how long I've wanted you to kiss me." I admit while I tried to keep from moaning. Justin pulled away and looked me in the eyes. "How do you think I felt?" Justin said. He kissed my forehead before he got off of on top of me. I sat up and sat close to Justin. He put his arm around me as I wrapped my arms around him. "It was awful not having your lips against mine." Justin said. "But now, I can have them on mine whenever!" Justin leaned down and kissed me. I couldn't help but laugh.

Justin and I just sat there, silently, in each others arms for a while. I was thinking of everything that has happened tonight with Justin. How my dreams of being his girl finally came true. But there was one thing on my mind. "Justin," I said softly. Justin looked down at me into my eyes. "Yeah baby?" Justin said. Gosh, I really have to control my blushing. "Something is bothering me." I said. "What is it? Or is it someone?" Justin asked, his jaw tightening. "I swear, if Brian or someone is hurting you I-" I cut Justin off by kissing him. "Justin, no one is hurting me. I haven't even seen Brian since what happened in the parking lot that one day." I I formed Justin. He nodded. "But you tell me if he hurts you. Or if anyone hurts you." I nodded my head. I thought it was cute of how protective he was already being. He was already protective enough when we became friends. But now, he's a lot more protective. "Now what's wrong?" Justin asked, his hand rubbing my back. I took a deep breath before I talked. "Why did you go out with Taylor?" I asked looking down away from Justin's gaze. Justin sighed. "I don't even really know." Justin said. "I just needed a distraction from not liking you. I thought you would never like me back so I thought that maybe if I dated someone I could get over you. But, that didn't help. Every time I saw you I fell harder for you. I never even liked Taylor." I rubbed Justin's back causing him to look at me. "I think, no matter what I've would of done to try and get over you, it would be impossible because," Justin paused as he leaned in closer to me, our lips centimeters apart. "You're the only one I want be with." A huge smile grew across my face before Justin kissed me. I pulled away moments later. "Im so glad you couldn't get over me." I stated. "I wouldn't of known what to do if you didn't like me back." Justin looked me in the eyes.

"Trust me, you won't ever have to worry about that because I'm head over heels for you. Nothing can stop me from liking you so much." Justin said. His hand was resting on my cheek, his thumb brushing along my cheek. I smiled as I brought Justin into a hug. "Justin," I said pulling out of the hug. "You know what I just remembered?" Justin furrowed his eyebrows together. "What?" Justin asked as he scratched his head with his index finge. "The pizza. It's probably cold now." I said as I started to laugh. Justin laughed too. "That's what happens when you get distracted by a beautiful lady." Justin said before kissing me. I smiled like an idiot. We both for up from the couch  and headed for the kitchen. "So are we like, going to just walk around like this for the rest of the night?" I asked looking down at how I was only in my bra and underwear and Justin was in his boxers. "We can. I mean, I wouldn't mind." Justin said winking at me. In response, all I did was laugh as I shook my head. "How many pieces you want?" Justin asked, talking about the pizza. "Two." I said. He put two pieces on a plate and put them in the microwave as the doorbell went off. I went to go open the door when the person just came barging in. Didn't I lock the door? "Selena, I need to talk to you. Me and-" I stood there as the person stopped talking and looked into the kitchen at Justin. She noticed how he was only in his boxers and then looked at me to find me in only my bra and underwear. "Before you say anything, let me explain." I said before she could say anything. She gave me themost hatred look that I knew, this was not going to end well. "Selena, let me explain." Justin said walking to my side. I nodded. I knew this wasn't going to be good. But Taylor had to know now what happened.

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