Chapter Four

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Somehow, I drifted into a deep slumber. I wish I hadn't.

I found myself in a dark room but it felt as if it went on for ages, like there was no end to the darkness. I looked down to see that I was holding an oil lamp which barely offered enough light to see 2 meters in front of me. I was in nothing but a white night gown, my feet were bare and they were making direct contact with the immensely cold floor.

I shone the lamp over the night gown and only then did I notice the blood stains scattered all over the night wear. But that wasn't why I was shocked, the gown used to be Nonna's. It was her favorite thing to wear whenever she would tell me more of her stories. I remember asking her why she always had to wear the same thing but she would answer with "It wouldn't feel the same without this."

Swallowing the lump that was stuck in my throat, I managed to move forward. I kept walking hoping that there wouldn't be a huge hole that I would fall into but it seems as if it was nothing but a straight dark hallway with no end. The only sound to be heard were the echo of my footsteps that bounced off the hall. But the fact that there was an echo meant that there had to be walls.

It felt like I was walking for ages, my feet were starting to
get blisters and the oil lamp was losing its glow. I prayed to God that it wouldn't go out soon.

But it did. Darkness engulfed me and my breathing started to exhilarate. I was never fond of the dark. In fact it was one of my biggest fears. Nonna's stories usually involved her being all alone in nothing but pitch black darkness. That was when things always took the turn for the worst. The sense of vulnerability that swallows your being. Having no sense of sight or self defense.

Before I had the chance to think about the worst things that could pop out any moment just like what happened in Nonna's stories, a sudden brightness beamed into the room nearly blinding me. I adjusted my sight and finally I was able to see where I was, a hall way full of mirrors. The walls were lined with them and so did the ceiling.

I looked down at my bare feet and I couldn't help but let out a bloodcurdling scream. My feet were drenched in blood and only then did I start to feel the searing pain, I held back the tears and looked ahead and there right in front of me was a mirror and in it was Nonna who was smiling wickedly at me and beside her...was me, only that this girl was covered in blood and her eyes were the color of charcoals and she had the same demonic grin that Nonna had.They slowly reached their pale arms out as if to beckon me closer but I was pulled out into reality by someone violently shaking my body.

"Addie! Mommy said to wake up and eat!" Aiden was shaking my body clearly oblivious to the fact that he just saved me from a horrific nightmare. "Addie why are you sweating? Did you run in your dreams?" His face looked so innocent and his question only made me smile.

"Ah I wish I did baby boy, then I'd be very fit like Abba!" I squished his soft cheeks and he let out little giggles. What would I do without Aiden who made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside?

"Ok kiddo lets go get some breakfast!" I scooped him into my arms and almost instinctively he latched himself unto my neck and his short legs went around my waist.

As usual Abba was already at the table eating his pancakes like his dear life depended on it. He looked up to me, maple syrup dripping down the corner of his mouth. I can not believe he is the bright future if this family, well as my parents would say.

"Are you that unfit that you sweat just by carrying Aiden down the stairs?" He smirked at me clearly not noticing the syrup trailing down to his chin.

"Are you that bad at eating that you miss your mouth most of the time?" He looks at me questionably and I point to the corner of my mouth. Realization hit him and he quickly wiped away the mess he made on his face. He glared at me while I stuck my tongue out at him and Aiden did the same.

I set Aiden down and he ran into the kitchen probably looking for his favorite cereal. I sit down next to Abba and I start to eat what's left of the pancakes mom made. It it very unfair how Abba gets to eat as much as he wants and not gain weight but again, I won't tell him I envy him because his ego is already higher than the empire state building.

"So what are you up to today Ad?" He lets out a loud burp making me scrunch my nose up in disgust.

"I'm not sure but I met some people yesterday so I guess I'm gonna meet up with them somewhere? When are you heading over to your place near Stanford?"

"I'm gonna start moving my boxes there today so by Tuesday I'm all settled in and ready to be an authentic science nerd." He gives me a sloppy grin.

"Geek. You're a geek not a nerd. There are chances of nerds being cute but you fit more into the geek category." He feigned being offended and scoffs at me.

"You do know that we're related and if you say I'm not cute then that makes you the same thing right."

"My dear Abraham, I got all the gorgeous genes so your statement is invalid." He scowled at me for using his full name.

"Well I got the fit and smart genes and guess what intelligence lasts longer than appearance Adelaide." He states like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"Ha! So you admit that I do have good looks! Thank you that is all I needed to hear" I stand up from my chair in victory and I saunter up the stairs "Cheerio science geek!"

"I never said that Jesus Christ Ad!" I laugh at him and enter my room. I grab my phone and I already have a text from Louise.

Louise: Hey Addie, I hope you're still up to some downtime! sent 8:56 am

That was just 5 minutes ago. I quickly typed in a response

Me: Hell yea I am!! Lets meet up at the pier at 10 cause thats basically the only place I know, Ha! LOL

Not long after she replied with an "Ok we'll see you there!" I realized that I only had a little over an hour to shower and get ready.

I also realized that by "We'll see you there!", it meant that Harry might also be there... absolutely splendid.

Ayyyy! So as you guys may have noticed, the pic I used for harry in the collage of chapter 3 was from back in 2013, and the reason for that is because I JUST FOUND OUT THAT HARRY CUT HIS HAIR HOLY SHITAKI MUSHROOMS

Buutttt, we're not sure what his hair looks like now so I just went with his 2013 hairstyle cause who doesnt love 2013 Harry???

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