Chapter Two

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It took me some time to finally settle into my new room. The dull beige color sort of bothered me and I made a mental reminder to paint it soon. Most of my clothes were already in the closet and my makeup and other necessities were all on the vanity.

I've done a lot of thinking within the span of time I was in my room. It ranged mostly from what would Nonna say if she found out why we moved away to how am I supposed to survive in a new environment to will I ever accept this drastic change? I knew one thing for sure and that Nonna would want me to be happy and live my life how I want. It would be up to me if I wanted the paranormal to interfere or to just be a normal 17 year old girl who, like the majority of the teenagers, don't know what to do with their lives. The latter seemed pretty good to me.

A shy knock on the door diverted my attention away from my thoughts to the little boy at my doorway. "Addie, mommy said to go down for din-din." Aiden's innocent voice seemed to soothe my nerves and was able to bring a genuine smile on my face.

I get up from the edge of my bed and join my little brother at the doorway. He raises both of his small hands up to me signaling that he wanted me to carry him. Without any hesitation I bent down to grab his tiny frame and he squeals in delight making me chuckle.

Once we got to the dining room, I set Aiden onto his chair and I take my place across Abba who was already gobbling down the ready to make mashed potatoes. Mom probably chose to go for something easy to cook since moving in was obviously very draining for her.

"You could've waited for both of your siblings to arrive before devouring all the food you selfish twat." I try to scold him without making it look like I was joking but he probably already knew that I was.

"I'm sorry sis, if I waited any longer I would've been all skin and bones. Wouldn't want these to go to waste now do we?" He started to flex his arm muscles. As much as I'd like to deny it, Abba does have muscles and a pretty fit body but I'd never give him that much of an ego boost.

I roll my eyes at him and I start eating the already cold mashed potatoes. Mom and dad proceeded to express their interest with Abba's scholarship to Stanford. I kept quiet for the most part since I really had no input in their conversation.

I finished my dinner before them and I quietly excused myself from the table, they barely acknowledged my exit since they were too engrossed in their conversation. Very typical.

It was still 6 o'clock and I thought it would be refreshing to get out and familiarize myself with my surroundings. I head up to my room and change into my skinny jeans and I put on a blue hoodie over my tank top. I put on my usual converse and I go back downstairs.

"Hey mom, dad can I walk around for a bit? Thought it would be good for me to know the environment, I promise I wont stray too far." They just waved me off once again too caught up with Mr. Scholar. Abba looked over at me and gave me an apologetic smile and I timidly gave him one back. I went over to Aiden who was still halfway through his meal and kissed his cheek. I scurried out the front door and into the cool California night.

The surroundings was entirely different. The sidewalks were much wider and the streets were much smoother. There were lampposts everywhere so everything was clear under the lights. I noticed that there was a pier far ahead so I went against the better judgement of promising my parents to not stray too far. It's not something I'm not used to anyways.

I walked faster wanting to get to pier as soon as possible. There were flashing lights and loud music blaring and it made me even more excited to get there and see what the fuss was all about.

Eventually I did get there and turns out it was a birthday party, from reading the huge banner I could tell that the celebrant's name was Louise. Judging by the turnout of people, I guess that she's pretty popular around here.

I didn't think that invitations were needed because I was able to step right into the party without being caught. Maybe the security was busy dancing along to some band that playing on stage. I looked around and there were tables full of candies and cakes and all the sweets I could ever dream of. Ah, this was definitely a sweet 16 party. Not that I've ever been to a party much less of the sweet variety.

"Um, who are you?" A female voice spoke behind me, I turn around to see a blonde girl who was about 3 inches shorter than I was. She didn't sound rude, she was just curious. Well I would be too if some random chick just comes to a party uninvited.

"Oh sorry! I'm new here and I just saw some flashing light and I thought it'd be nice to see what was going on and there was no security at the entrance so I just kinda went in..." I tried to explain myself without seeming to be panicked.

"You dont have any drugs or any lethal weapon with you right?" She raises a brow at me. The question threw me off guard.

"Oh um no?" Her face lit up and she extended her arm "Good, I'm Louise" She smiled brightly.

"O-oh you're Louise, I'm Adelaide but you can call me Addie, um happy birthday?!" I took her extended arm and tried to sound enthusiastic but I'm pretty sure I failed.

"Yes I am, thanks Addie. Come on I want you to meet my closest friends, its not everyday a new girl gate crashes your party right?" She laughed trying to make the atmosphere less awkward. I told myself that I would make an effort to make more friends this time but I also reminded myself to keep my...other thoughts away from them because I didn't want to scare them away..

She dragged me deeper into the party and into the colorful beaming lights and sweaty people dancing along to a song which was way too bubblegum pop for my taste.

It's gonna take some chapter for the plot to finally build up but I promise the chapters will still be really good I swear!!!
Dont worry guys Harry's coming soooonnn!
Btw the girl in the pic is Britt Robertson and I imagine her to be Louise!


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